
Possible sinus headache? Need relief.

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Over the past 5 days I have had trouble sleeping because of anxiety/panic attacks over this weird head pressure. Like my head is a bubble. The bridge of my nose is tender (pressure) and my forehead. Also my cheek bones. I have a history of bad summer allergies, but this summer I haven't had them... at all. Not even a runny nose since spring. My head just has so much pressure, sometimes I get paresthesia (numbing in arms, face and throat) which is worsened by my anxiety

What are some relief ideas I could do before having to go to the doctor (which I really don't want to do)? Is this sinusitus? It's really gotten to the point where its debilitating. It also worsens when I excercise. Help!




  1. Using your pointer finger, tap right above your eyes and just below your eyes on the bone, not hard, but firm if it hurts then most likely it's a sinus infection! I battled them for years! Try breathing in HOT hteam through your nose, and eat lots of garlic, believe me it helps!! Take motrin atleast 600 milligrams every 4-6 hours for preasure, and if not gone in a few days see a doc. for antibiotics. p.s. Garlic is a natural antibiotic : )  Good luck.

  2. Sounds like a sinus infection to me and you should see a doctor.  You can take over the counter sinus medicine like Tylenol Sinus and see if that is any help, but you should see a doctor.

  3. I had the exact same problem and I found a solution.  It is called    Flex-all.  It can be found at any drug store just ask someone who works there.  Just apply to your forehead and be sure to avoid the eye area.  I swear to you it will help open up your air ways and allow you to breathe and sleep better.  It doesn't cost much at all and helps me out when I have trouble with my sinuses.  Good luck!

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