
Possible skin problem with dog??

by Guest55726  |  earlier

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Recently my mom and I have noticed that my 11 month Cocker Spaniel ***** has been smelling. It's almost like a musty smell. I have now discovered that on her rump moving towards her tail she smells really musty (it's horrible!) but nowhere else does she smell like this.

Do you think this is because of a skin problem? Or does anyone have any other ideas?





  1. It could be her anal glands that are impacted.  Some dogs cannot empty them on their own. Take the dog to the vet for a clear diagnosis.

  2. Check her anal glands or have a groomer do it. The glands really smell bad when they are full.

  3. I think that your dog might have a problem emptying its anal glands. Take it to the vet and get him/her to express the contents. To ensure that your dog does not have sloppy stools in future and can empty her A.G's naturally change her diet to "grain free" and stop giving her biscuits.

    The experts all say that grain in dog food causes problems. Omit grain in future and also omit anything remotely connected to beef and dairy food.

  4. cocker spaniels are generally smelly dogs (no offense). if the skin smells THAT badly, it might be an infection or something. bring her to your vet

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