
Possible stress fracture from running??

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I am a cross country and track runner and recently I have just begun to experience some pain in my left fibula. When I was a freshmen I got a stress fracture in that same area because I did too much quickly. And the pain I have been feeling is similar to how my stress fracture felt before. I am point tender in the middle of my fibula and before I was point tender just below there. So I am wondering if I have a stress fracture again? I eat well and I have very good natural form( I don't pronate or supenate..I am neutral) so i am thinking that maybe if it is a stress fracture it is from changing the type of workouts I do in track. What's your opinion??




  1. I think you should see a Dr. It could just be shin splints. I used to have them often while running or at night while trying to sleep. They seemed to stop a little while after running. If the area has fever in it (feels warmer than the rest of your body) see a Dr. immediately. That would indicate a stress fracture.

    Good Luck


  2. Take a break for sure from running.  Try to ice the area.  If after a week or rest and relaxation if the pain does not go away or it gets worst go to the Dr.  If you do feel better make sure to get back into running slowly maybe even do some walking first.  Just take it easy so you don't make it worst.

  3. I have really had some problems with stress fractures in the past... it really sucks.  So once you get over this one, really concentrate on running on soft surfaces and using cross-training like swimming and biking for a good amount of your training.  I used to run 100% of my runs on hard asphalt, but now I run about 60% on dirt or grass trails (even gravel is better than pavement).  I also cut back a little on the mileage and started swimming which can be a lot of fun too.  Just some advice to prevent future injuries... good luck

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