
Possible to get pregant two days after my period?

by  |  earlier

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My boyfriend and I broke up for about a week. When we weren't together I had s*x with another guy while unprotected, thinking it would be ok since it was only three days after my period (April 19) which I heard is still in the safe zone. When my boyfriend and I got back together two days later we had s*x on the 21st. He's been the only one I have been having s*x with since then. I found out I was pregnant on May 26th. Is it possible to be the other man's baby even though it was only once and not during my ovulation time?




  1. THERE IS NO SAFE ZONE you could be pregnant with either mans baby.

  2. Yes, it is possible to get pregnant any day of the month.  It is more likely that you wouldn't get preganant at that time, but not entirely impossible.  

    You are going to be a candidate for a paternity test.

  3. Yes its possible.

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