
Possible to run too hard?

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Next week are my soccer tryouts. It is 5 days of 2-a-day runs. The morning run we run about 3 miles, and 6 hours later we run about 2 more. I run 3 miles/day right now so I am good enough to run the 3 miles with ease and I should be able to do the other 2 miles if I recover well and push myself.

I want to try to impress the coach, so I want to push myself to the limits? Or do I want to just do a normal run so I won't be as tired for the 2nd run and the next days. If you run faster than you are used to, will it take a lot longer to recover?

How hard should I push myself help!




  1. Push yourself a little bit, but don't over do it.  Really listen to your body, because if you strain something the first day, you won't do well for the rest of the week.

    Good luck

  2. Two-a-days, we just got done doing those yesterday for soccer.  I guess if you want to impress your coach, you better run a litle harder than normal. You see, a coach isnt going to want a player who is content where they are; they want a player who is willing to push themselves. As long as you stretch constantly, especially not during practice and don't sit on your *** too much in between practices then you should be fine. But the runs arent all they will be looking for, they are only looking for endurance, and the way you perform on the field will be the most important, so that should be your first priority. Make sure you eat fruits and vegetables in between practice, as well as ice your legs. Take an ice bath too, those always help as they make all the muscles feel well. I wish you the best of look with your preseason.  

  3. if you think you're good to run it, then just finish in the top runners.  but dont push too hard or else you may not be able to practice actual soccer

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