
Possible to sue parents when 14?

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Well, i want to sue them because they are kicking me out because of i am not helping around the house, is it fair? i dont think it is. just because i dont wanna do dishes or something. is it possible for me to sue?




  1. I guess as a mom I would probably just take the computer and other priveleges away from you until you earned them by pitching in as a part of your family community.  I've done it.  To tell my kid they had to move out at 14 would be if they were not going to school and drug/ alcohol use and being extremely  uncooperative.  I would ask for help from educated trained proffessionals such as counselors.

    With concern for you I would like to say that taking such an oppositional stance and being so uncooperate because (am I right?) you think your parents are trapped into providing whatever you want no matter what you do is a misconception that will damage you.  It will hurt you, your relationships, your own self respect. And it is hostage taking.  Those are things you earn by taking an active role in your life and contributing.  What I understand that you are saying is I am not responsible for myself or my actions, my parents are.  I just worry that you are in for a lot of grief and pain.

    I want you to know that I am not siding with your parents, I think that is just wrong to give that kind of an ultimatum to a kid.  

    When I was 16 I lived in a tent for 3 months, then on again off again was pretty much on my own.  (I am in my 40's now) It was really a difficult beginning to being on my own.  I learned slowly and painfully about responsibility and cleaning my house, making money for food and a house.   I could have done those things at home also but it was a choice due to an abusive alcoholic in my family that I chose to be away from. It was hard but I think I made the right choice, even tho at this point in my life our family is all clean and sober and getting along.

      So know that you are making a choice on your own- right or wrong good or bad to leave your house rather than do chores.  That's it in a nutshell.

    Any one can sue any one else for any reason  but it takes either money or a very willing lawyer to do it for free.  And just sueing someone doesn't mean you'll win.  I wish you luck sweetie!

  2. Sue your parents? stop being lazy and help around the house hello. that makes no sense.. and what the h**l you going to sue for???

    you don't have any thing money or anything of that nature for one thing to even begin to pay a lawyer.. if you stop being a spoiled brat and take care of what your parents ask you to do, then you'd not be kicked out!! ROLLS EYES

  3. So as I see your problem, it is that you weren't born rich and don't have a maid.  Well, that is tough luck but welcome to the real world.  When you move out from your parents, you will also have to cook, clean, do dishes and laundry plus you will have to work 8 hrs. a day, maybe more so you can afford all those wonderful things like food to cook, apartment to clean, dishes and clothes to wash.  You actually have it pretty good right now so shut up and do the g** d*** dishes.

    If you are really serious about suing your parents, right now, you have nothing to sue them for because they did not kick you out yet.  If they did really kick you out, you would be a ward of the state and you would be placed in foster care and the state would bill your parents for child support while you are still a minor and you still would not be able to sue them for anything.  Is that what you want?

  4. It's theoretically possible.  Sort of.  There's a bit of a technical glitch, in that - in most jurisdictions - minors aren't capable of maintaining court proceedings in their own names.  You'd need to have a litigation guardian appointed, most likely.

  5. In this case, ignore the previous answerers. You're parents cannot legally kick you out untill you are 16. Talk to a teacher or someoine like that.

  6. you can call child services but if it was me i wouldn't want to go into foster care or something like that plus your to young for your parents to kick you out

    and if you refuse to help out around the house(lazy a$$) then how bout you refuse not to leave

  7. I don't think it's really possible. Sorry. I would say get a job and move to an apartment, but you can't get good jobs at 14, + I doubt you can get an apartment!  Have you asked your friends and family if you can move in with them??

  8. No you can't sue your parents because they wanted you to do the dishes! Stop being ungreatful and just help out around the house. Is it really that hard? What are you going to do when your older? Is that the attitude your going to have when you have your own house? I have to help out and I'm 19.

    Just be greatful you don't live in the slums of Africa, be greatful your parents didn't die of some horrible disease and now you are responsible for you younger siblings...that would be hard...chores are not hard.  

  9. Looks like you're not going to find much sympathy here. But as previously mentioned, it takes money to sue. A lot of money. And unless your parents have done something incredibly wrong against you, you're probably not going to get a free legal team. Wouldn't it be easier to just help out around the house? Or count to ten when your angry instead of posting random questions on yahoo answers? I anyway, I guess theoretically is possible, but realistically it's not practical

  10. You can't sue something just because it is 'unfair.' Grow up.  

  11. Grow up.  In adult life you have to work, they are trying to teach you how to be a successful adult.  Making you do dishes, clean your room,and take out the garbage, are not abuse.  Successful adults have to work too.

  12. You are lucky, I'd beat the h**l of you and make you wish that I only threw you out.  Your are ungrateful and spoiled.   Get a job and move out.  It costs money to sue people and I suspect that as lazy as you are the only money you have is what your mean old parents have given you.  

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