I was ten days late for my period. I was ovulating around July 8th, and had intercourse everyday around that time. I just started was would be my period today, so, basically 10/11 days later. I almost knew I was pregnant. I had taken one test, it was negative (although i swore I saw a faint line, I didn't want to get my hopes up either, so I'm just saying it was negative), I had tender b*****s, I was nauseous all the time, and started vomiting the last few days, I was dizzy, physically exhausted, runny nose, etc. Then today my period came very heavily. I was spotting yesterday, and took a test again, that's when I swore I saw a faint line. Today, the bleeding is entirely too heavy for what my normal first day would be, I'm having back pain, some mild cramping, etc. I know the only way i could know is go to the a doctor, but I couldn't get the time off of work to do it this week. But I was wondering if the heavier bleeding and all the other symptoms could be a possible miscarriage, or just a heavier period since I'm late? Thanks.