
Possibly moving as a last resort?

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My mom wants to move because she says that the house we are currently in is too much maintenance and the mortgage payments are too much. I DO NOT WANT TO MOVE! What are the other options? Can she lower the mortgage payment somehow? Give me some options please! I want moving to another house to be a last resort. Thanks.




  1. .   You didnt state your age.  When i was 16 my family went thru a bad time.  My dad was laid-off and had zero income.  I got a job and paid enuf so we could keep the house.  Can you do that?  

    You may have to let the house go.  Your mom's mental health might depend on it.

  2. You might encourage your mom to consult an attorney for advice.  It doesn't sound like you are in a position to influence her.  The house probably needs to be sold.  Best wishes.  Do not let your emotions influence your judgment.

  3. She can refinance if she can find a  bank that will refinance at a lower interest.  Why don't you want to move.  School? Friends? maybe you can find something in the same area that you already live but a less expensive house.  I wouldn't get too upset just yet.  The housing market is really bad and it might take a really long time of find a buyer for a yo use  that has a lot of maintenance

  4. Your  mother can not lower the mortgage payments.   She is repaying money she already spent, and apparently she spent more then she could afford.

    You are old enough to do the right thing and help your mother pack, this is hard on her too.   600 feet will not effect your life, you will have the same friends, same school, etc.

    Help mom and do not whine too much, she is under tremendous stress and she needs you to be supportive.

  5. The first question I would have of you is are you willing and able to take over ALL the maintance she is referring to? Have you gotten a job so you can kick in the paycheck to cover the mortgage?  

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