
Possibly pregnant, 15, help..?

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last period was at the end of june.

still hadn't had another period before i had unprotected s*x on the 5th of August.

my b*****s arent sore, but i have had small cramps but no bleeding.

i took a home pregnancy test on the 19th. it was negative




  1. Omg same lol I'm 15 and think I m preggo cos I had unprotected s*x with my step brothers friend . He's not even hot I felt bad for him bc he's never had gf and so we had s*x in my step brothers bed and I took preggo test and it came back positive and I took another and it came becak negative lol. I'll just wait 12 months and see if I have a baby come out my vag hole or not :) 

  2. i tihnk im pregnant to , im only 15 i know what bur goin through hun x just wait a bit longer then go to the doctors but tell your mum she will allways be there for you ( :) )

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