
Possibly up to something?

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For a while now I've been wantign to attract pigeons into nesting on the balcony of the townhouse I live in....well they haven't built a nest but they do come by when I put out bird seed. One thing that dawned on me was this noticed something funny about Carmel & Plucky(yes I maned the pigeons)....whenever I whistle or call them by their names they stopp nd look at me, almost the same why when I call my dog. I know their ferals but they act a bit like domestic pigeons.

I'm also kind of concerned about the eggs/babies falling off the roof if they decide to nest on that instead of the balcony.

any ideas?




  1. Since you have been feeding them, they have bonded with you.  This bonding works much better when you raise them from chicks, but it can happen at any age.  Birds are usually smart about the placement of their nests, as well as the positioning of their eggs within the nest.  They may figure that the roof is safer (less likely to be seen by possible predators).

    Pigeons nest in all kinds of places. Nooks and crannies in buildings, bridges, and other places that mimic their natural cliffside habitat. Pigeons might lay their eggs on an air conditioning unit on the window of a city building or on the floor of a balcony. Their nests are skimpy though, and sometimes they might lay their eggs on a bare surface.

    To attract them to your balcony, I'd feed them there, provide nesting materials, and maybe even lump the nesting materials in a well protected corner.  That may give them the idea of placing it there.

  2. The eggs are shaped so that they seldom fall plus the adults build a sloppy but effective nest to hold them.  Wild animals can become used to you and even attracted to you if you feed them.  I have some wild geese that will come within 10 feet.  They have never been hunted, or maybe they just know that I'm the one who feeds them, I don't know.  Animals can also learn that they are safe in one place and not in another.  It is also possible, especially with pigeons, that someone raised them and then released them.

    Live well and do good.

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