
Post Colonial Africa; What are your thoughts on goverment and politics in post colonial Africa?

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Post Colonial Africa; What are your thoughts on goverment and politics in post colonial Africa?




  1. 99% dysfunctional.

  2. This question should be more precise. I think post colonial africa also is justified to be divided between the cold war period and post cold war era.

    Life in Africa isn't always negative. And africans know very well to make a positive out of a negative.Africans are more optimistic about life that any other continental group in the world.Also, the "liberation leaders" have much to be thanked for irrespective of the chaos that took place in their own countries - they each had a common ground during the cold war, and sought to stabilise cross-border relationships with their neighbours and the rest of the continent.In short, the possibility of a war between one nation and the other is currently as little and also incomprehensible as say... the possibility of a war between France and Italy today.Yes, you do get odd cases such as the Congo, but even there people now identify themselves as nation in a more similar fashion as americans are keen to say "I'm an American"[thanks to Mobutu even if he was a kleptomaniac].And this is positive legacy of the old leaders. We may all dislike the Colonel [in North Africa] but some of his values are utterly priceless to Africans in general today.

    In relation to the newer generation that is now currently running the continent, I feel they are responsible for returning a measure of internal stability in their own countries through economic reforms.Every year you hear on how much the economy of China has grown.. by 8-10% they say.Has anybody ever though how the economy of Angola [for instance] is faring? It increased by the same value as China as well last year.Overall, the African economy last year alone increased by 5.3% they say. Plus, on top of that - Africa now has more democracies that Asia.These are not entirely negative points are they?

    Sometimes as humans we choose to see in order to believe and rather not get deeper into reality.The world often moans that 5billion has been given to Africa in terms of aid since the 1970's, however nobody ever questions the idea that America spends the same amount a year on for its defence budget only.Nobody ever bothers to mention that it is Africa that rebuilt Europe to be what it is today, and Africa never asked for a penny back for that particular post 1945 role.

    Economically - the future survival of Africa lies through close regional cooperation, otherwise with Europe itself.Europe needs Africa and Africa needs Europe.Africa is the only place in the world where European business organisations could expand without much hindrance of other foreign commercial organisation other than local ones.As it is, Nokia makes more money out of Africa than anywhere else outside Europe, and how would that be explained as a negative for this Finland based organisation? Even Coca-Cola as an American organisation, is proud - and should right be so - about the amount of influence it has in Africa. And in that fashion Africa has never disappointed Coca Cola.It is the singlemost brand that brings Africans together.

    Not everything about Africa is a negative.

  3. Aren't they all massacring each other over there and infecting each other with AIDS because they refuse to wear condoms? Their governments and politics suck.

  4. Too many of the governments are corrupt and destructive

  5. Self Govt. given to all African nations centuries too early! Look at them today - all they have done is hearken back to inter tribal wars with the strong dominating the weak and ex military and dictatorship rulers collectively putting and lining their pockets with the financial aid given from outside countries. They have become millionaire's with accounts in every offshore state imaginable and their offspring sent to and educated the world over. Their sons sent to UK and other military academies to be thus trained in all aspects of military warfare - returning to their homeland - to enforce, propagate and ensure the continuing desecration of their peoples and lands.  

    What then, do the world nations who financially helped to build African Lands for the benefit of its peoples, do by way of bringing  those politician criminals and robbers to justice - NOTHING, NOTHING , NOTHING

    Europe and other states are full with their children in the best schools and money is no object!

  6. those countries were fine under the White European colonial rulers...the entire place went downhill and suddenly needed "saving" only when the locals were allowed to determine their own direction and fate...they got what they were asking for and so why do we have to worry about stepping back in and "saving" them now?....its their problem that they asked and fought for...let them learn by their own mistakes...

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