
Post-Georgia: is U.S. reign over ?

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In Georgia's case, it was the sheer adventurism of president Mikheil saakashvili that gave Russia the opportunity to show its strength. Washington must now confront the fact that the brief phase of the U.S. practically running the world is over. is it correct?




  1. I support the independence of Kosovo, South Ossetia, and any other province that wants it.

  2. No. In case of Georgia, US used Saakashvilli as a pawn. US new that Saakshvilly has no chances against Russia, and US will not help Georgia militarily. However, the conflict itself was used as a wide anti-russian propaganda in order to activate the NATO which was quite reluctant to side with US on anything at all after US invasion on Iraq

  3. Your pretense is false  . . . this conflict is not over . . . it will surely spread (as already indicated by Russian response) to Poland and the Ukraine . . . Russia did not show it's strength . . . it's response was inappropriate by any measure . . . instead Russia has shown the world that they are not prepared to be a reasonable partner in world affairs and when pushed will resort to bullying . . . this was a political miscalculation on the part of Russia

  4. Russia has shown the world that they are not prepared to be a reasonable partner in world affairs and when pushed will resort to bullying?

    Ah, of course when US invaded in ALMOST ALL local conflicts in world overthrowing governments (Iraq, Serbia), settling puppets (Ukraine, Georgia, Baltic countries) - US is a "paladin in shining armor which brings happiness and freedom to the world". In reality - US is an aggressive country which provide politics to take control over all natural resources of the world. When murdering of people is a deeds of US "close friends" - it is a "internal affair" of that country. When some conflicts in ally of US's rival (Serbia) or simply neutral country with no friendly relationship with US (Iraq) - US recognize it as a good reason to bomb civil cities, overthrow governments, forcibly cut part of territory and give to that territory Independence (Kosovo).

    You are a hypocrites.  

  5. No - the US is not reigning.  They are a potent Superpower though, lest the liberals and their terrorist friends should forget


  6. Not at all- The US is still way more powerful than the Russian military.

    Russia is truthfully very weak right now. They are only acting big because the US is outstretched all over the world and powerless to stop them now.

    Sure they over ran Georgia... but Georgia is a very small country ran by a very stupid man.

    Did you happen to see the Russian soldiers riding ten atop a tank? Did you check out their dirty, torn uniforms? Their military was composed of rag tag militia like hesians. Professional armies don't do that. Where were their troop transporters? Their military resembles a 1980's infantry- if need be the US and Europe would mop the floor with them.

    Of course Russia is a 'threat' that should be addressed, however, lets not think that Russia is equal to the US or UK. They are "old-school", which may work in Ossettia but is not good enough for western Europe or America.

    The US has no problem in whopping a country's butt- Afghanistan was conquered in less than a week (Russia couldn't do it in a whole decade) and Iraq was conquered in less than a month.  Our problem is in keeping the peace- World Wars aren't won by keeping the peace, they're won by kicking butt.

  7. The fact is we've never claimed to run the world.  That is a stigma that has been put upon us by others (and some American liberals).

  8. Perhaps we (USA) should pull all of our companies from your country if indeed our "reign" is over, something to think about...

  9. unfortunately russia did not show its strength.

    Cheney-puppet sakashvili deserves to hang and the russians did not finish their job.

    I hope they will come back and finish off this georgian rascal for the sake of the georgian people.

  10. We don't claim to rule the world. Although militarily, technologically, numerically head-to-head Russia could not defeat us if it came to that. This is ruling out the nuke option. With us and our European and various other allies abroad they would stand no chance. Why are you so h**l-bent on the idea of the US being "neutered" or whatever?

  11. Another lying left wing loon heard from. Stop drinking the Cool AId.

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