
Post Pardum Depression?

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i had my baby about 6 weeks ago and recently i have been feeling sad, upset, helpless, etc and i dont know why. i can be soo happy one second and in tears the next. none of this is directed towards my baby boy. when i see him i feel overjoyed. he is wonderful he makes me laugh, but when im alone i feel awful. i have gone almost a whole day wirthout eating. just because i wasnt hungry. i saw my doctor and he had me take the ppd quiz that all mothers take and i scored a 9 and ppd watch is 10 and up. so im right there. my question is should i go on medication or should i take something else or should i self remedy. i know sometimes it goes away on its own, but i dont wanna mess around with this the thought of something happening to my baby erkes me.




  1. have u gotten out of the house and started to live again? i mean have u looked at ur activities and how they make u feel? do u have ppl to talk to?

    if i were u, i would look for alternatives first, to make sure that it is what u think it is, cause ur hormones are out of whack and things are so different.

    and if it is ppd, then for sure do what u have to do and take meds etc.

    good luck, and try something different.

  2. I say try Lexapro. It worked for me (just as a band-aid) to help me get through some hard times. Then when you are feeling much better, you can taper it off. I hated the idea of taking an anti-depressant, but its for your health and the health of your baby. Its Okay! Good Luck!!

  3. I kept my depression hidden, I wish I would have taken meds, I had baby blues for almost a year after my first son was born, I would definitely take meds if you can so you're able to get things under control... Then you can eventually get back to being yourself and get off the meds, good luck!  :)

  4. You jsut need to relax a bit.  If you are not mad at your baby and thinking bad thoughts about him then it is probably just the hormones kicking in, and it is stressful to try to get everything done with your baby needing you.  Just realax and get your hubby or a friend to help you so you can get your housework done and you will feel better.  And it always helps to take a shower!  It feels so good when you have  anewborn because you dont get a chance to do it often!  If you still feel aweful in a couple weeks then go tot your doc and get the meds, there is no shame in taking the meds, 80% of women suffer from postpartum on some level!

  5. self medication is the best root. if u feel sad and cant eat just toke some  grass its non habit froming and it uplifts you to feel joyful.

  6. only u know deep down what is best for you...if u don't feel that self remedy will work, then get a prescription...i would suggest u try self remedy before pills...

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