
Post SERE school menu...?

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My husband is a WOC 1 in the military and is currently cooperating (hopefully) in a training called SERE (see link for more information). During the final drag of the course the soldiers are directed to "take what they can get." I have heard other soldiers who have completed the course saying that after the issue of starvation and exposure to climate without relief, they haven't the stomach for "regular" food for at least a week afterwords. My husband will be returning from this course in 3 days and I want to know what I should prepare for him concerning meals. I can obviously use better judgment to stay away from spicy and greasy foods. What is an extended (2-3) menu/idea of food to make for him? I have plans of making him corn bread considering he enjoys it and I know that would be light enough on his stomach but I would like some more ideas. Thank you!




  1. My dad had the opportunity to go down to california and "teach" SERE school. (Canadian Military Warrant Officer) he recommended a homemade soup to start (something without meat or noodles but lots of veggies) and for goodness sakes stay away from MRE's (joke no one really likes those

    unless they are starving) then if he handles that well have a non dairy breakfast with toast and peanut butter and fruit like banana (heavy fruits work well, apples have lots of fibre, which wont work to well) a light meat sandwich for lunch with more soup, then small snacks with sugar (cookies + juice) he should be good to go after that (body can go 3 weeks without food and SERE is not that mean) he should be able to bounce back pretty quickly.

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