
Post accident fear?

by  |  earlier

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I have had 3 two-wheeler accidents (twice when I was pillion rider). I've become jerky and my heart rate jumps even if I hear a sudden brakes, fast moving vehicles, etc. when I'm walking etc.

Now when I'm trying to learn motor cycle, I'm just afraid even to get on a bike.

Please help me overcome this fear




  1. Bikes are not for everyone. You mention that you now have anxiety even while walking. I believe this is not a problem to be addressed on Y/A.

  2. Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.

    Don't suffer, take an MSF course or two (they have several) -

  3. You will overcome it. Ive been in close calls and it does take a while to recover... Confidence in the operator, yourself, and your protective gear will help you.

  4. After my first motorcycle accident, it took YEARS before I was comfortable on my motorcycle again.

    Like they say, if you fall off a horse, get right back on. Same with motorcycle.  The more you ride it, the more you get used to it.

    Good Luck...

  5. A little fear is a good thing. It keeps you alert and more aware of your surroundings. Just don't let it control your life. Use it instead.

    Pilots have a saying - " There are fearless pilots and there are old pilots but there are no old fearless pilots" and "There are bold pilots and old pilots but there are no old bold pilots"

  6. do some illegal riding ,, get chased by police .. your need for bikes will soon re appear !!

  7. wow I was hoping to get a bike. Let time pass. Have somebody come w/ you. Attack that fear later

    Practice in a parking lot to regain control mentally

    my prayers

  8. It's going to happen, the fear of getting back on bike, start out just riding in the neighborhood or better yet how about just sitting on the every afternoon with some music in the background.  Hey, maybe some easy rider music, put a fan in front of the bike.  Do that for about a week, then maybe crank it up, then ride around the yard, do it like Bill Murray said, take baby steps.  I promise you, it will get comfortable again and you back on the road again.

  9. STOP THINKING ABOUT THE PAST.Be careful go out and live your life don't let some accident stop you it sure did stop me

    i got hit by a car while on a bike

    i almost lost my ability to walk due to street racing with a bike and no helmet

    and now I do stunts and all crazy things on my bike and i still haven't learned my lesson and i don't wear my helmet at times. I just got to live my life doing the things i love and remember don't let the past stop you infact don't let anything stop you so go out there and get a little crazy

  10. Just take it slow, and think about the road more than the fear.....
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