
Post-natal depression and fluoxetine?

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I have been diagnosed with post natal depression and have started taking 20 mg of fluoxetine. I feel bloody awful from them! its only my first week.... But i am soooo sleepy on them, my hands shake, i cant get off the loo! has anybody out there taken them for post natal too? if so how did you get on with them??




  1. I take fluoxetine for my PND and OCD.

    It's taken about two months for my side effects to get better, to start with I was really tired but couldn't sleep, shaky, nausea etc but now I'm begining to feel a bit better.  It just takes a while for your body to get used to it.

    Ignore that other answer(by Bill O), depression HAS to be treated and you will begin to feel the benefits soon.

    Good luck.

  2. I'm sorry to hear you're having such bad side effects with fluoxetine! I've been on it for nearly a month for depression, 20mg like you. My dr did warn me that if I experience side effects they will be worse in the first week so to try to stick with it, and thats what I would say to you.

    I had the opposite problem to you-I had real problems sleeping in the first week, I just didnt feel tired at all when I put my head down at night!  I also felt dizzy and lightheaded.

    Thats all passed now though and I have noticed a lift in my mood. I'd say to try and stick with it as it may help you too, but if the side effects dont pass in a few days go back to your dr who may be able to start you on another anti-depressant.

    Good luck.

  3. Depression is not understood by psychiatry enough for you to be drugging your entire body with prozac.

    If you've been 'told' you have a brain disease. I'd be asking where is the evidence. What tests of your brain or blood were taken? None.

    Did you see a brain specialist, a neurologist. No.

    Do you have a prozac deficiency? no. It is a completely neurotoxic foreign synthetic chemical lobotomy that acts on guesswork.

    It's dose is adjusted without any tests. Just guesswork. Does that sound like science to you?

    You've been taken for a ride. A modern woman juggling career and family or pressure to have a career, and never being prepared for a baby has psychosocial clear causes. Nowhere has any evidence of a 'chemical imbalance' been proven to you by objective scientific tests.

    Psychiatric drugs are dangerous guesswork, have killed hundreds of thousands of people these past fifty years if not millions.... and given you need to be around for your child i'd say you are pretty foolish taking mind altering drugs without any EVIDENCE that your brain is defective.

    Psychiatry is a religion. You have been asked to believe its 'creation story' and take much on faith. I suggest you cease poisoning your body in the interests of keeping it healthy for another wonderful baby down the track.

    Do not be hypnotised into thinking you have a brain disease when the clown telling you have it has never seen your brain with any lab technology WHAT SO EVER.

    It is a fraud. And it kills. Do not engage. It won't be long before you are on three meds at once.

    IGNORE THAT ANSWR  from Glasgow, she is obviously a victim of the lies psychiatry pushes. She seems to thinks she has not one, but TWO brain diseases, of course no one's ever seen her brain, and she is under the infliuence of mind altering drugs, as she admits, so she can't think straight anyway, being a drunk driver at the wheel of  life and an irresponsible mother robbing her kid of a clear thinking mother, so ignore her. She wants the quick fix, just like all the world, take the pill, yeah right, science understands the biological basis for sorrow, jealousy, sloth, yeah right, keep believing the creation story of psychiatry, keep buying the drugs, keep sedating yourself, keep tranquilizing yourselves and your kids and wasting the clarity nature gave you base on no evidence you own a defective brain, yep, yeah, ignore me, ignore me and take the drugs, every morning, keep that brain lubed  up with prozac, because it is just soooo natural and needed, it isn't  harmful at all, no there is no billion dollar lawsuits around antidepressants, noooo, no huge forums and website of people who have died or had lives destroyed, noooo, not at all, keep watching the ads, keep swallowing the quick fix, just like glasgow.

    Oh look ,rainbow says if it rots your liver, just go back to the doc and get another AD, wow! no one apart from me seems to think people should demand evidence of brain defect before altering said brain. Gee, and I share the roads with you mindless sheep?

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