
Post partem depression?

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any other women suffering from it i feel like im loosing my mind

what do you think caused your besides having the kid

me mines most likely from being abused and lack of sleep




  1. i had it after i had my daughter.  I was always depressed and i couldnt stand being around my daughter there were some days where i wish i wasnt a mother.  I had it bad they put me on medication for it and i slowly got better.  It was really hard for me because i felt like a horrible mother.  I even had thoughts of suicide because i thought i just couldnt take it anymore.But i relized i needed help and i got it and now i still have those days where i need to get away but its not half as bad as it used to me.  Good luck to you, you will get through it

  2. I think every woman goes through post partem depression some way or another.  It's okay to feel like you loosing your mind sometimes but if you have thoughts about hurting the baby or yourself you may want to discuss it with your doctor so they can take the necessary precaution to help you get through the difficult times.  When I first I had my son I got really overwhelmed and felt like I was going out of my mind to I talked to my doctor and she helped me get passed it.  She explain to me it was just my hormones out of control and in a few weeks they would be back to normal.  Your body goes through a big change, it just takes some people's body more time to adapt to the new change. Congrates on your baby.  Oh yeah, you may want to talk to someone about the abuse too.  It's not good to have that kind of behavior around your child.  You may want to think of leaving the person who is abusing you.  And Lack of sleep is normal it's gets easier it just takes a little bit to adjust.

  3. Please contact your doctor and share with him/her your symptoms.  The doctor can give you better guidance than we can:)  Congrats on the new baby!

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