
Post-tonsillectomy 4 yrs ago, now have sore throat with pus?

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i'm 31 y.o. female, had a tonsillectomy 4 years ago, haven't had any problems or even sore throats since then that i can recall. but for past 3 days i have had a bad sore throat. tonight i noticed new pus pocket on one side. i know i have scar tissue on both sides.

also, yesterday i was real sick with fever, freezing chills, then sweats. i guess it's good i got the poison out, and i am free of those symptoms now. just the bad sore throat. chloraseptic spray only relieves pain for about 10 minutes! do you suppose it is strep? will it go away on its own or should i go on the dr?




  1. Get to the doc, FAST.  

  2. PROBABLy YES! consult your doctor 'coz its already an infection... .. of course if have fever already suspect it that you had ifection. and if you experience frequent swallowing there is bleeding inside... so ur condition must be an urgent.

  3. I had something similar to your symptoms earlier this summer.  I went to a doctor who never figured out what I had, but did give me steroids and antibiotics, which cleared everything up.  

  4. could be strep should see a Dr, untreated strep can lead to other health problems down the line

  5. Dear frogpirate-

       As you know, people can still get sore throats long after tonsils are removed.  The odds now are 95% that your sore throat is due to a virus which antibiotics will not help.  Rest, more liquids, and sucking throat lozenges may help.  If your temp rises to 101 or higher, or remains more than 3 days, it would be best to go a health clinic or your doctor to get a Rapid Strep Screen to ensure it's not the potentially bad beta-hemolytic Strep which has been known to sometimes progress to do kidney or heart damage. If it is, then your doctor will immediately prescribe the appropriate antibiotic for you to take.  I hope you continue to improve and are soon well again.

       MRSA = Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus = a staph bacteria which is not associated with sore throat.  Strep, even the one which causes sore throats, does live harmlessly in the throats of many otherwise healthy people who are "carriers" of the bacteria but are clinically well.

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