
Post your 2008 ap exam scores here!?

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mine are

soph: ap human geo. 3

junior: ap cal bc 5

ap calc ab 5

ap psych 5

ap lang & comp 3 -- ehh english isn't my thing. o well

ap ush 2............grrrr... i had the worst teacher, i hope he gets fired, but still i was one of the few to actually attempt to take the test out of his class. should i cancel this score???




  1. aww i want mine back! ive heard we'll get them sometime this week...but good job! those are good scores!  where im from everybody in the class has to take the test (county rule) and if you make a 3 or better you get your money back so im hopin i passes cause thats a lot of money!

  2. Well,

    I havent got mine back yet!



    =[ lol.

  3. We haven't gotten them yet, but I gave in and paid the $8 to find out...I got:

    AP Psychology 5

    AP Language 5

    AP Calc BC 3 and AB subscore 3

    AP World 4

    Calc and World shocked me because I learned   N O T H I N G  in World this year and I'm pretty sure I invented new history in my essays. As for Calc, most of the people I know who took it last year got 1s...we had the most lovable teacher who let us do whatever we wanted most of the time, sooo not a lot of intensive learning went on. But I still learned more in Calc than I did in World so I can't believe I got a 4!

  4. Macro Ec : 4

    English Lang. & Comp: 4

    APUSH: 4

    ehh..i was hoping i'd get a 5 in APUSH, but i'm happy all around.

  5. sophmore


    European History:4

    BTW: I'm pretty sure that it's too late to cancel your score.  You're supposed to cancel a score before you get your resluts back.  (I think this is really stupid- I mean what if you actually pass or why should colleges  get to see all your scores just because college baord says so- oh well.)

    Oh and I've always heard that most colleges prefer to see you take an AP test and fail rather than to see that you didn't take the test at all as long as you aren't failing every AP test of course.

  6. european history 4

    still havnt got the rest

  7. freshman:

    ap bio-5

    ap lang and comp-5

    ap comparative gov-5

  8. soph:

    world history 5

  9. I have not gotten my results yet! I'm dying to know how I did on the US History exam. Quite a few of my friends have gotten 5s, but an equal amount have received 2s and 3s.  Hopefully I get my score soon.

  10. last year:

    compsci A-5

    this year:

    calc BC-5

    physics B-5

    World History-5

  11. I haven't gotten mine yet :[

    Holy c**p. . . you took AB and BC calc in the same year? That's. . . amazing.

  12. junior year:



    eng lang/com-5

  13. Guess what I got!

    Nothing because I didn't get my scores back yet!

  14. Sophomore:

    apush 2   ( I'm proud of this 2 : ]  and you should be proud of yours too)


    Psychology 5

    Calc AB 5


    Language & Comp 3

    Literature & Comp 3

    Calc BC 5

    Biology 5

    Physics C Mechanics 4

    Physics C E & M 5

    I actually got to see my scores last week because of college orientation.  Your scores will get you far.  I'm taking all sophomore classes next fall (It kind of helps that I took AP classes that are close to my major).

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