
Posting trot problem

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whenever i start to trot i kinda fall forwerd do you no any tricks to help me not do that?




  1. I used to do that. It was cause i pushed with my feet. if that makes sense. I then learned to keep my legs in place and push with my knees/thighs. now i dont have that problem. and make your staying on beat with your horse cause that might be another reason.

    Hope this helps

  2. You are off balance, try sitting up, heels down, let the horse take a couple steps into the trot and go with him, & start posting.

    Practice, you'll get it!

  3. well you ride english so i am not really sure cause i ride western but maybey you could try keeping you legs and hips a littl estiffer when you star to trot and then loosen up again

    sorry if this isnt any help i am not really sure

  4. You might be posting faster than the horse is actually trotting so try slowing down your posting a bit. Push your heals down and sit up straight. Also, you reins might be to short. Short reins are good, but if they are to short they force your hands forward which may make you lean forward. Keep your elbows in at your side and bent a little bit. Hope I helped and good luck!

  5. It's hard for some people to stay seated back when they start to trot.  I know I did - and even do sometimes now when I haven't ridden for a few days, or a week or so.  The best thing really is just to keep at it - more miles under the saddle will help with your balance, and confidence.

    For starters though - do you know how to post correctly?  Are you looking down at the horse, or out in the direction you're travelling?  The best way to work on those two things, is to have someone lunging your horse while you're riding. Then you can concentrate soley on what YOU'RE doing, and someone else can worry about your horses' direction and speed.  Sit-trotting for a couple of strides will help you get the rhythm, then you can start posting. Using the correct diagonal (diagonals are the pair of feet for each stride, you want to RISE when the outside foreleg is forward, and sit when it's back) let yourself be pushed out of the saddle with the horses' rhythm, and sit back lightly.  Don't use your legs to stand up in the saddle, just push with the horse.

    Also remember to keep your shoulders back, and even holding onto the pommel of the saddle can sometimes help til you have got used to the rhythm.

    Good luck, and happy riding!

  6. Make sure your girth is tight enough when your riding, because it could just be that the saddle is ill fitting, or not tight enough,  and be sure that your saddle is in the center of gravity on your horse.  
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