
Postpartume advice for a new mom?

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Hi Ladies

I had a healthy 9 lbs. baby girl on Jan. She is exactly 7 months now. I know you get your period right after the baby is born (think its called lochia or something) then after that your not suppose to get it for awhile, right?

Just yesterday, I got my period. But I heard your not suppose to get it while your breastfeeding. Is that right?

Does this mean that my breast milk will decrease? Or is it normal that it took this long for my period to come??

just wanted mention that my husband and I have had unprotected s*x but I did take a home pregnancy test and came out Negative

Sorry this is a little to much info. but I was just worried.

Thanks to those that answer!




  1. that happened with me to my son is 12 weeks and my period took a while I amjust now coming on for my second month and me and my sons father have had unprotected s*x and my test have also came out negative I dont believe you are pregnant because the same thing has happened to me but sometimes you never know...

  2. after you have your baby you bleed for about 6-8 weeks while your uterus shrinks back to its original size. you should get your first period 4-5 weeks prior to that, so about 11 - 13 weeks postpartum. if you breastfeed you may not get it for 18 months after. it depends on how often you breastfeed. and no your breast milk wont decrease. your period is caused by hormones and your body makes the milk as your baby needs it.

  3. I got my period on the day of my six week postpartum checkup and I breastfed my daughter until she was nine months.  So don't worry, my milk supply was fine and so will yours.  Best of luck.

  4. with my son i was breastfeeding for 24months and i didn't have my period until 6months after i had stopped, but with my new baby girl i still get my periods it is normal and it doesn't effect your milk supply good luck and don't worry  

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