I received a jury summon letter sometime during my winter break (Dec). The date of the jury summon is on 1/22. Since the beginning of the winter quarter, I've been really busy with school and just trying to adjust to the pace (transferring student). It wasn't until this morning around 1 am that I suddenly remembered that I had a jury summon coming up. When i called this morning if i had to report, my group # wasn't called.
Is it possible to postpone my jury summon on Tuesday (1/22) even though i don't have to report that day?
I know that I'm suppose to keep calling until the end of the week to be sure if I have to report. My biggest worry is that if I do get selected to be apart of a trial, the length of the trial will conflict with my sch. The week after my trial summon date is when i have a group presentation, review for midterm. The following week after that would be midterm week and I just don't want to be placed in a position where I'll be jeopardizing my grade.