
Pot doesn't do it for me? I'm searching for a better spiritual experience?

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Any advice?

Pot just makes me swim through my emotions. But I'm searching for more than just emotions. I've heard of magic mushrooms as well. But never tried anything but pot.




  1. You want spiritual experience's go to church camp.  Getting high is a waste for spirituality cause it'll come back to haunt you.

  2. You will like them


  4. OK sweetie, in all honesty, pot or anything else is not going to give you the spiritual experience you are longing for. I don't agree with the other responder that said go kill yourself either. What it sounds like is that you are reaching for the more in life. Like you are hurting from something or dealing with something that you wish to escape instead of face. What you are reaching for is that one on one with GOD. I can tell you to go to church or I can tell you how to reach him yourself. The way you do that is when you are looking for the feeling and trying to escape what you may be going through sweetie get in a quiet place and call the name of JESUS!! It don't have to be loud just to yourself several times and tell him you want to feel him. Tell what you need like he is a regular person and watch you feel that experience you are looking for. Its in his presence that you will experience that unbelievable joy, happiness, or high you are needing only difference is the feeling is irreplaceable and permanent. All your needs can and will be supplied in his presence. God Bless

  5. Rummmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.

  6. im not trying to sound corny or anything, but pot is absolutely going to make you feel like c**p, then youre going to want more cause you think it'll make you feel good. But its a good thing that you've realized that pot is wrong. Drugs are not going to be the answer, because the enzyme in your brain that controls pleasure is eventually going to break down and you wont feel anything from drugs anymore.

    My suggestions:

    1) get a hobby, like yoga or something that will release stress. Try taking a jog in the mornings, it eases a lot of emotions

    2) go to a church, God is always there to help you handle emotions... I've had anxiety and depression problems for the past year, and he helps you get through all of it without hurting your body

    3) find someone to talk to about your emotions. If you keep all of those in youre going to get angry and explode, just like me. Thinking about how pot and other drugs is the only way out in your life is going to make you angry and depressed, and maybe suicidal. You need someone to spill your thoughts to on an everyday basis. That person will keep you on your feet and motivated.

    Try one, two, or all of these things. they work for me :)

    I'm hoping the best for you...

  7. Do u need drugs to get a spiritual experience? Think the 70's and im sure you'll be fine.

    Without drugs Id suggest making an effort to see Tibetian monks. They're as peaceful and spiritual as you get.

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