
Potatos crop destroyed due to frost

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Potatos crop destroyed due to frost

In pakistan and india potatos are grown in winter.normally it is not so cold there but from last two years the temprature drops upto -2 c.Due to this low temprature the yield drops upto 50�n any body suggests some treatment.

8 hours ago - 3 days left to answer.




  1. We grew commercial potatoes (Canada) for several years. When this happens, we left them in the ground for 10 days, allowing for the one or two that froze, to rot. We harvested, and hand picked the rotten ones out.It's a terrible job. There is no treatment that I know of. Feed them to livestock, or they could be made into liquor.  

  2. We had ours get frost this spring 2 days in a row.  If the tops aren't fully frozen, meaning if there is still some green stem near the ground, they will come back.  The blackened leaves simply fall off.  My plants continued to grow & bloom, am eating the potatoes now.  

  3. there are genetically altered potatoes which are frost resistant. try those.

  4. maybe plant them deeper so they stay warmer?

    idk im no farmer

  5. If the plants are far enough along to be permanently damaged by frost, sprinkler irrigation can keep them from freezing.  The warmer water releases heat.  Commonly used in Florida when frost threatens citrus and especially low growing strawberries.

  6. Telll them to keep their eyes peeled for Jack Frost

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