
Potential Girlfriend really quiet...?

by  |  earlier

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To shine a little light on the subject, im 29 and she is 21. Im starting to really like this girl, and feel she likes me... but she hardly initiates a conversation. Is this just the way she is or am I doing something wrong??? Is this just a difference of maturity levels?? TIA people!




  1. I think it has a lot to do with age 8 years different is a big difference butdoesn'tt mean things cant work out, you have to get her to talk more and get conversation going.  Also, if she is shy that does make things a lot worse off.  cause not only is their the age difference but also being too shy can really make things start off really slow.

  2. young women I think feel insecure talking to a guy that they knows like them, thats my personal experiences, I've tried to talk to a couple of girls in the past and it didn't get awkward till I asked them out, then all of a sudden it was answer as short and quikly as possible, Think it's maturity level like you said.

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