
Potential speeding fine...?

by  |  earlier

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I just passed a police speed check on a local road, the speed limit is 30, i think i was going between 32 or 33 - i was obviously doing more than the limit :( but it this likely to get a fine and points? i know speed limits are there for a reason, but does the 10% over count? feeling really stupid and worried now! i suppose the next 2 weeks will tell :(

although, i was driving towards it, the police car was facing towards me but the police officer and his camera thingy were behind the car - does this mean he was pointing it away? if so, i think my speed was down to 30 or below by then. surely he wouldn't be pointing his camera through his vehicle? and doesnt the officer have to be clearly visible to those he is looking out for?

alot of questions, thankyou for your time.




  1. If they caught you doing 35 mph then you will get a ticket (10% + 2 mph).

    The camera faces out of the back of the vehicle and if its a single carriageway then they can check both ways, the device works on cars coming towards it and heading away.

    I'm afraid its a waiting game.

    The officer does not have to be visible, that's one of those urban myths.

  2. Chances are you won't get a ticket

    Cops even though they are the top revenue producer for local government.

    The radar guns they use do have a built in margin of error of 10% it is called industry standard tolerance. If you do get a lawyer be cause it is fairly clear you were not intentional in surpassing the speed limit.

  3. The camera faces oncoming traffic, where a determined distance has been marked. Going by what you have said, he wasn't facing the camera on your lane of traffic, so you have nothing to worry about. Also, if you're confident you were doing 33mph or less, then you wouldn't have been speeding (10% rule).

  4. If you're sure you were doing no more than 33 you should be okay. They have a tolerance because speedos show up to 10% over the real speed.

  5. the camera will be looking at oncoming cars so if you were coming from behind you will not be in view don't worry but be careful in future  

  6. Doubt it they allow a tolerance , to deal with the fact that car spedos , may not have the exact calibration  

  7. Don't worry nothing happens... If you have been caught then you can not do anything now so don't worry.

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