
Potentially Dodgy Email?

by  |  earlier

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I have just received the following email - anyone know whether it may be dodgy?

"Unfortunately we were not able to deliver postal package you sent on August the 1st in time

because the recipient’s address is not correct.

Please print out the invoice copy attached and collect the package at our office


The sender is "Dan Hall -"

I have no recollection of sending a package on this date and I do not usually use FEDEX anyway so I have not opened the attachment as instructed in case it lets loose a heap of bugs.

Anyone know what is going on?




  1. I've had plenty of these, but from 'UPS'.

    Theres a very, very easy way to determine whether its genuine. Did you send a package on the 1st of August? Nope, didn't think so...

  2. If in doubt, delete it out.

  3. Why would FEDEX send you an attachment??? Exactly, it's a scam. Also, if you have no recollection of sending a package then you proabably didn't. Be very wary with emails that contain attachments and claim to be big companys offering something for free or asking you for any details what-so-ever. Another scam similar to this that has been going around recently was one purporting to be from Hallmark cards. It said that you had received an ecard and that it was in the attachment. Hallmark never give you the card in an attachment - you have to go through a link to their website.

  4. This is similar to a scam that became quite common in England

  5. I have had several of these and the 'invoice copy' contains variations of the Zbot.trojan.

    Please read this article for further information:

    DELETE the email and do NOT download the file.

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