
Potterholics: Bella vs Kreacher?

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This one's especially for DeeDee, who requested more Potter questions!

Who do you think iss more responsible for Sirius' death, Bellatrix, for casting the spell that sent him through the veil, or Kreacher, who acted as Bellatrix's spy and was responsible (partly) for the whole Dept. of Mysteries fiasco in the first place?

My friends all hate Bella for killing Sirius, but I think Kreacher's crime is worse, since Sirius was his master. What do you guys reckon?




  1. I hate them both and but I hate Kreacher more because he was the main person who put Sirius in that situation. I was soooooooo sad when he died.

  2. OMG i love you! Thank You!! :)

    I believe its Kreacher's Fault more because if he hadn't lied to Harry, Harry wouldn't have left hogwarts to save Sirius and Sirius wouldn't have left headquarters to go save Harry.

    Its Kreacher Fault!

    RIP Sirius Black!

  3. Aww I like Kreacher - Not his fault that he was brainwashed.

    I think Bellatrix is more responsible - she's the one that actually cast the spell!! x

  4. I say that Kreacher is way better, mess with Harry Potter and get beat on the head with a frying pan for good luck(:  

  5. well cors evry1 hates bellatrix, she killed neville's pars too and i think killed fred too. and aboutkreacher, he is more responsible for sirius's death but can u imagine being in kreachers footsteps. hermione was rite, house elves r not treated like humans, they hav feelings to u no. siruis paid for his meannes for wat he said to house elves and so did voldy  

  6. I blame Bellatrix.  She's the one who hit him with the spell.

    Kreacher, I think, is a very confused little ...creature (lol) .. and he sticks with the people who treat him the best, and Sirius treated him horribly.

  7. I think it is like in a case of divorce - both parties are to be blamed. Who is more responsible? Kreacher, in my opinion, because Bella was just in the right place at the right time to kill Sirius, and Kreacher actually helped to organize the Ministry battle. It could be Bella, Lucius, any other Death Eater in the Ministry that could kill Sirius.

  8. I blame Bella more, because (1) She shot the spell in the first place. If she hadn't, Sirius might've gone on to become a hero, gotten his name cleared, and he could've been a proper Godfather to Harry, in addition to helping with the whole Horcruxes deal. And (2) It's pretty much expected for a slave to turn on the master, but Bella was Sirius' cousin, and that's pretty cruel.

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