
Potterholics: what do you think would happen if...?

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Hermione had been sorted into Ravenclaw?

She tells us in OotP that the Sorting Hat nearlty put her in Ravenclaaw instead of Gryffindor. What do you think would be different about the series if this had happened, and do you think she'd still become friends with Harry and Ron?




  1. wouldn't have been in the trio...bad things :)

  2. I really don't think she would be part of the trio.  She is not the most outgoing person, so she would probably be closest with people in her own house.  Her life would have been much more boring, and Ron and Harry would have had a much harder time, because she always saved them!

  3. ;o That would have been bad.

    Hermione probably would have made different friends that got sorted into Ravenclaw and never met Harry or Ron. Also if this happened, she would never be there to help or save Harry or Ron - they probably wouldn't even have been able to get to the philosophers stone without her (she figured out how to get past some of the obstacles). Also Ron would never have met her and they would never have got married!!

    So pretty much, the whole book plot would have changed..

    Thank goodness she got sorted into Gryffindor! xD

  4. no, if she had gon into ravenclaw, the book wod hav been so different. like she wod hav nevr been abe to stop them in the book wen they were gonna "duel with malfoy" and then certain actions made them friends so she prob wod not hav becum friends with harry and ron if she was a ravenclaw

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