
Potty Training Dilemma...2 year old boy?

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My son is trying to pee standing up. The toilet is TOO tall for him...i tried a stool( the ones that are made for his age)...makes it wayyyyy too tall...and it discourages i tried his potty...toooo short for him to pee standing up..complete messy disaster..sooo what am i suppose to do?? Hes getting very discouraged, nothing is comfortable for him.




  1. we are trying to Let our son stand on a chair! good luck

  2. small throw pillow...if he tinkles on it throw it in the laundry...have a second one for him to use till the first one is dry and clean...get some Cheerios and toss a couple into the water for him to aim at! won't hurt the pluming and helps him learn to aim!

  3. Maybe for now have him stand on something, like a short stool to pee. Or some phone books or something. We get like 3 different yellow pages here, so I'd have it made. That's about all they're good for.  =)

  4. They have little urinal thingies that you can attach to the big potty for them to pee into... look them up on google...

    Here's a popular one we might soon get for our little guy:

  5. I had the SAME problem! You could have him use a stool (if he is steady on his feet) or they sale this REALLY neat little urinal at walmart! My son loves it and heck whatever works I'm all for it! Its pretty cheap too!!

  6. Try assorted books.

  7. If it's within your means, and you have a spare bathroom -- consider installing a permanent child's size porcelain toilet.  At just a few hundred dollars, they are made JUST for little ones, and are about shin height.  It keeps you from having to clean up a potty chair.  The downside is if you really need that spare bathroom for guests.  :)

  8. Try having a custom made stool for him to use for this. We have a local woodworker that makes stools and customizes them with the child's name for $25. I am sure you could find someone in your area that makes custom wood products, check your phonebook.

  9. What about a good old phone book?The yellow pages can be so helpful in times like these!Seriously,find a book,or other square solid item and have him stand and see if it is the right height.If not,maybe have your hubby build something.One final suggestion that may sound gross,have him pee in the shower,only untill he can reach the toilet.

  10. I researched and found the perfect stool for boys because it has sides for the toilet so my sons can hold on while they stand up.

    This stool was well worth it and helped both my sons tremendously.

  11. well have you thought about getting the small plastic toilets for potty training children? They work. My cousin used it and potty trained well. Also when he does start going good, get hm a reward to show him he is doing right. Good Luck. <3 sophie

  12. I know this might sound weird or maybe gross, but my son stood up on the seat until he got tall enough and learned aim. I always keep the toilet seat very clean and sanitized since his feet would be on it. and I would have something in the toilet like Cheerios or something for him to aim at. He was completely potty trained by 23 months. I bought one of those little toilet seat covers for toddlers for when he had to sit down. They fit right over your regular seat and the also have a little cup cover for if he does pee while sitting down. I know what you mean about the little potties they get nasty.

    edit: I saw your edit about the Cheerios, maybe you could do colored tissue paper instead. Cut it into little pieces. I've never tried that, but my mother-in-law used that when she was potty training my a toddler of course LOL

  13. Get a potty chair, stack a phone book under it then go to toys or babies r us and get a pack of potty targets he will want to aim at them me

  14. Try having him stand on a phone book or something.

  15. You can improve on his aim in his potty.  Throw a couple of cheerios in there & tell him to aim & sink the cheerios.  Making a game out of the whole ordeal.  Truely keeps them enthused about potty training.

    The assorted stack of book sound good too.

  16. This is a mathematical question isn't it?.... the stool is too tall.... the potty is too short..... k.... Stool + Potty= Put the potty on the stool.......

  17. be patient with him and don't give up

  18. We got our son a child's urinal- Peter Potty.  He loves it.  He doesn't make a mess at all.

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