
Potty Training Dilemma?

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My son will be 4 in March. He has been urinated in the potty since 2 1/2 but no matter what I do, he refuses to p**p in the potty. He either goes in his underwear or he goes and hides and poops in the floor. It's really hard to deal with. Because of this, Head Start won't take him, it's a hassle when visiting people or be out in public but most of all I worry for him. Any ideas?




  1. I have done everything you probably did & more. I have done all everyone suggests. The kid has a mind of his own. Unless he has a medical problem he don't care. Finally this is what worked for me. I knew the pattern when my kid was going to p**p & even though he started in his pants I hurried and made him sit on the toilet for 15 minutes, until he finished. He finally done it. He threw the step stool  at me and said " there I did it!! Are you happy!!?" He is 4 now an one month potty trained!! And even wipes his own butt!!!

  2. This reminds me of the problems I had with my two boys.  My daughter really worked at it, and never was a problem.  My sons  really caused me a great deal of anguish, and looking back, I don't think I handled as well as I should  have These young men are in their twenties, and I assure you, they outgrew those bad habit s.  It useless for me to tell you not to be upset, but have you tried offering him an opportunity to use a diaper again if he can't use the potty?  Do you think this offer would impress him? Most importantly, try to keep calm, and try not to show your disappointment.

    Some web site which might help are:

    Being around children his age who are successful at using the bathroom would also help.

    Take heart Mom, many of us have been where you are now.  You are not alone. This is a passing phase.

  3. This is difficult b/c he is 4.  You have allowed him to do this so he has learned that it is okay.  First you need to get him a small potty chairs so he doesn't have to sit on the big one.  He may be afraid he will fall in.

    Then give him your undivided attention all day!  At the first sign of a bm take him to the bathroom sit him on the potty and sit with him until he goes.  If he doesn't go, let him up and keep going on about your day. Keep an eye on him, and be diligent.  If he does go in his pants, take him and the p**p to the bathroom.  Let him put it in the toilet, and flush it down.  Tell him that is where the p**p goes, and that if he goes in the toilet you will give him a reward.  Every time he goes do this until he gets the reward.

    Another idea is to buy a special pair of under ware, like spidey, or barney and tell him that spidey doesn't like it when he goes p**p in his big boy pants.

    The main thing is stick to it!  It shouldn't take more than one week.  Don't go out, don't let him off the hook, but don't get mad at him, or punish him. Just keep rewarding him, and making it hard for him to sneak away and do it.

  4. Go to a dollar store and load up on cheap toys, and tell him he gets one every time he poops in the potty. But do not punish him when he poops somewhere else, he might love the negative attention. Just clean him up and move on. After a while he might decide he likes the good attention better!!!

  5. try bribing him with a sucker. or put something in the toilet and ask him if he can hit it. just try playing little games like that with him. then praise him for being such a big boy

  6. Allergies to milk products will give your child involuntary stools. Check for lactose intolerance. Keep showing all the good things he gets to do at school when he uses the potty; the friends, the play, the activities. Is his dad involved? Each of my twin boys back slid to get attention from me and it took my husband to convince them that "men don't p**p their pants". If being the "big boy " doesn't work, maybe he wants to be your baby still and get his pants changed. Kids like the attention they receive - good or bad. Keep on letting him know all the good advantages he gets being potty trained and that you will be there for him regardless.

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