
Potty Training..How long is too long to sit on a toilet?

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I should note: we went to big kid underware for 3 weeks took a week off and now we are on big kid underware for 4 days. Not once has she gone in the toilet. The only time she is in diapers is at night. (She is dry at naps) -- Thanks for the advice so far!!




  1. You mentioned constipation daughter was lactose intolerant and the hard p**p made her hesitant to go. Try getting her tested or just take dairy out of diet one thing at a time, try to increase fluid intake and see if that helps her digestive track.

    As far as sitting on the toilet time, if my girl doesn't go right away and insists on having her diaper off i usually give her a book to read or put the potty chair in front of the tv. And if she keeps gettin up just put the diaper on and try again later. I think people forget how easily a child absorbs and mirrors our own anxieties. If you get stressed out about potty time she will likely too. Maybe give up for a few days until you feel up to putting in the effort.

  2. welll, maybe five minutes at the most.

    what you could possibly do, is give her a big drink, then wait five minutes take her in sit her down, and turn on the water, even today, if the waters on it make me have to pee!

    Ask her if she has to go, often!

    and welll, when she does finally go, praise praise praise.

    thats all i can say!

    my brother when he was younger, had peepee candy, and when he went he got a piece of candy.

    Bribery? yes, Did it work? oh boy did it!

  3. i would have the time no longer than 30 minutes... 15 is already kind of long but 30 would be just ridiculus...

  4. wait about 20 min. after lunch (eating and drinking) and take her and place her on the potty and sing with her, read books whatever it takes to keep her attention on something other than trying to potty.  make it fun and keep her mind on other things.  i would say she should go within 15 min. or so.  my oldest daughter would do the same thing.  she would constantly say she was scared and then i made it like it was reading time and she looked forward to it.  you'll get through it, it's tough but you can do it.  good luck!

  5. my 3 year old is almost fully potty trained, but it has been a tough road!!! instead of long times on the potty for us, we used lots of short times... like he sat for two minutes every half hour at first, just to get used to the potty. I sat him on a big ppl potty, so we never had an issue with switching from kid's potty to normal... and the cold seat sometimes makes them naturally go.

    just keep at it though, and stick with the big girl pants!!! switching can cause cunfusion.

  6. Every child is different, i understand she's 3, but she just turned 3. If she doesn't go potty 6 months before her 4th birthday then you should be worried. For the how long question, not to long. A child only has the minute attention span according to their age, so if she's 3, just have her sit there for 3-4 mins no longer. To help her out, ask her continuously every hr or so, "do you need to go potty?". Also i don't recommend using those "pull-ups", as a childcare teacher and with experience, i learned that those just slow down the process, because they fell like diapers. Make her feel like a big kid and get her panties and only make her wear the pull ups during nap or overnight. When she's wearing panties, not only will she feel like a big kid, but also feel the wetness and etc, and she's going to know that doesn't fell good, which she will want to go to the potty. Yes it will get messy, try to buy cheap underwear so that way if she soils them with number 2, you can just throw them out. well i hope i helped good luck.  

  7. 13 and a half years

  8. when your sitting down and yor legs get red from your elbows then you have been in there for too long

  9. She may need help with relaxing.  Look into ways to help her relax.  

    What would be the worst bad thing if you took off her diapers or pullups and let her go around in wet pants if she can't make it to the bathroom before she has to pee.  Let her experience the consequences, and experiment with how to tell urgency.  

  10. She can be frightened by letting a part of her go.(pee & p**p) It's very common for kids during the potty training years to have this issue. Be patient. Buy a couple of potty books like, 'Everybody Poops'. I would not use Pull Ups because they delay the whole process. They just as absorbent as diaper.  

  11. Leave her alone about it for a solid month.

    I bet in 2 weeks she will  do it.... if you look away awhile :)

    she nearly knows what to do she isn't confidant and will try it on her own when she has no expectations of her sucess or failure

  12. Is she urinating as well as defecating in the underwear or diaper?  You mentioned constipation.  This can be a huge issue with training.  If she has been really constipated and made a bowel movement during that time, it could have been painful for her and she is associating going potty to mean pain.  

    My son is almost 5 and has Encopresis.  He started withholding bowel movements when it came to using the automatic flushing toilets in public.  Its basically a nightmare for parents once a child gets to the point they start withholding bowel movements because of pain.  They hold the p**p in and it gets to the point that the sphincter loses the ability to elastisize and tell the brain when its time to go.   Take your child to the doctor and have them check that she is not impacted.  Once a child is impacted, they leak stool without knowing and it looks like "accidents" to parents, but it itsnt, they cant control it because the have blockage in the lower bowel from holding it for so long.

    Not sure if this is your case, but get to the doctor and ask them about encopresis.  

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