
Potty Training---I would love some of your tried and true methods!!!?

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I have just started potty training my 2 1/2 year old most toddlers, he really isn't all that interested...we went to Target, picked out some cute Diego undies, a little potty and some hershey kisses to give as a reward for using the potty...I would love to hear from some other mommies and what worked for them! Thanks a bunch!!!




  1. One tip for training boys it to sit them on the potty facing the wall. This is how they will stand in front of the potty and it is more secure to them, they won't fall in. This leaves their hands free to 'direct' themselves.

  2. Hi!

    I have three year old girl, and tried everything in the book, and then one day she just wanted panties like mom!  She was just turning three and it just happened.  I would get prepared for when He is ready he is ready.  Spend a day explaining all of it and give access to the bathroom and a night light for light, and he will do it all on his own when he is ready.

    We use one diaper at night from the first day she wanted to use the potty.  I am hoping for dry nights very soon.  But I think forcing is completely a waste of time.  Oh, by the way try stickers or clapping for the successful trip not candy.

    Cheers and Good Luck,

    Lady Webmaster

  3. A toddler teacher at a daycare where I used to work made a game out of it.  For boys she would put a few Fruit Loops in the toilet and give them prizes if they could hit it!

  4. My best advice is to wait til he is really interested.  We tried the first time when my son wasn't really interested yet - led to much frustration.  As soon as he was really into it, he was trained in 2 days (not through the night).  We made a sticker sheet with a toilet on it.  The first day we gave him stickers any time he went to the toilet.  The second day we gave only for poops (he was more reluctant to have bowel movements in the toilet).  After about a week, we didn't even give stickers any more.

  5. My 31 month old son wasn't too keen on potty training until I introduced stickers,,, he loves stickers and he knows that he gets to put one sticker on his chart for peeing and two stickers for pooping in his own potty.  I'd like to suggest you keep his potty in the bathroom - some people mentioned that they had their child sit in the potty while watching tv but I can't think that's a good idea in the long run.  I printed out a potty training chart from the following website and I hope it helps for you and your little guy.  (p.s. my son also thinks that trying to pee on cheerioes in his potty is the funniest thing in the world)  Good Luck !

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