
Potty Training Questions...?

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*Is your experience with a boy or a girl?

*At what age did you start training?

*How long did it take before it was established (with few accidents?

*Any tips you'd recommend?

My baby's not even born yet, but this subject is one that intimidates me for some reason!




  1. Potty training has been the toughest thing I have faced as far as parenting goes.  

    My experience is with boys.  One is 4 and the other is 2.5 and just now starting to train.  With the oldest, I started too soon (around 2 yrs old) and pushed and pushed and he didn't potty train till he was 3.5.  Once he did, he had NO accidents.  With both boys, I am using the Potty Prize box.  I took a big cardboard box and let each child pick some wrapping paper.  Then I wrapped the box, leaving the top open, and went to the Dollar Tree and bought tons of little prizes.  Each time the youngest goes potty, he gets a little prize.  This worked for my oldest son and eventually we went from prizes to stickers and then eventually to nothing at all.  Hopefully the Potty Prizes work just as well for the little one.  Can't wait to be diaper free!! LOL

  2. Well I have five children...and each was a bit different....let me break it down as to how I did it...and then what age...

    First I do NOT believe in pull ups...unless you are in public or they are in just does not enforce the issue...what worked for me...with all 5 of my children was lots of their favorite character underwear (and alot of paper towels and cleaner for you) lol...Literally buy 3-4 packs...and let them wear the undies while awake and home with you. Buy a potty, or potty seat for your toilet...whichever you prefer...and ask them every so often (20 mins) if they have to go potty..if they do go on the potty, praise them...if they have an accident...simply take them to the potty tell them this is where we go...remove the undies...clean the child...put on a fresh will take a week or two (it did for me) but it works!

    My twins were 18 months...fully potty trained...both girls

    My 7 yr old was 3...fully...boy

    My 4 yr old...3 also...wears pullups to bed still for occassional accidents...boy

    My 3 year old....20 months...girl

    Girls I think are easier!

  3. I actually started when my son was about 2. He was not fully potty trained until he was 3 1/2 but I did not force it on him. I encouraged it but i did not want to make it a thing that he hated doing. I was also working alot and could not be there every second to help him so he could have been trained earlier im sure. I am pregnant with twins now and I dont think I will be working so I would like to have them trained by 2.I have heard of children that are trained by the time they are 1!!! wouldnt that be nice??!!!

  4. I have 2 boy's one is 3 and the other is 16 months when my oldest was 15 months I got a potty and a book called the big boy potty book I just laid the pot in the living room and let him play with it he put it on his head he put toy's in it it was funny (no he wasn't peeing in it) I read the book to him almost every night at bed but instead of using the little boy's name in the book I used his name he though it was great he was using the potty the way he should when he was 28 months but day time only he wore training pants at night but was fully trained by the age of 3...Just remember not to push your child to use the pot or it will turn the wrong way and he or she will hate it

  5. Eh, don't worry too much.  You've got a couple years and many other things to worry about in between.  The thing about PT though is that it really is a time commitment on the parents part whereas every other milestone is baby directed.  Example, a baby starts to sit and crawl all on there own will little encouragement from mom but PT is mom initiated and mom enforced.  This biggest mistake parents make is going back and forth between Pullups and undies.  Once you make the commitment to PT you must make the commitment without waivering else you will be sending mixed messages.

    So for you questions...

    1.  both

    2. 2 1/2 for both

    3. 2-3 months no accidents, 2-3 weeks though when they really understood and told me when they had to go.

    4. be consistent and do not waiver. do not rely on them to tell you when they have to go until 2 months into the process.  It must be parent directed up until that point.

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