
Potty thing again??????

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Potty thing again??????

ok so ive asked a couple questions about potty training, and yes my daughter is ready and has been. ok she will be 2 next month and when she goes to her dads house she NEVER pees/poos herself (except at night, wich i expect and is normal). i figured out that the reason she goes is her older sister (almost 3) goes and i think she looks at it as a competion or as i wanna do that too. but at my house its just me and her and she will not go. she started a new daycare and is wearing panties today and there is at least one other girl that uses the potty too and so i think she will do well there too, but the problem is at home(and my families house). every once in awhile she will tell me but, latly she hasnt and she says no EVERYTIME u ask if she needs to go so that doesnt work. i let her see that i use the potty too and i try to take her, but the timing thing doesnt work, bc she sometimes holds her pee for HOURS and other times doesnt. i am at a total loss on what to do, bc its not that she doesnt know how its that she is choosing not to at our house. has anyone had something like this or know any good tricks or anything i can try




  1. Although this works basically with families, give it a try.  Every time she goes to the potty, give her a treat.  If she holds it in and doesn't want to go, but you go, you get a treat.  And eat it in front of her.  It will make her want one too, so explain why you got one.  That might help.  Especially if its a treat she likes.  If you like, you can give her two treats if she does a #2.  Hope this helps!

  2. If you know that she's got the idea, then just institute a schedule for using the bathroom. My daughter (3) uses the bathroom first thing in the morning, before nap time and before bed time. She has access to potty in her room as well, for those times when she's in bed and feels the need. Give her some time and it'll work itself out, my guess is that at dad's house she's on a similiar routine, as is her older sister, thus making it easier for her to not have accidents. Also, find something that will make her ambitious to have this under control, for mine it was the going to pre-school, we let her know that only big kids who use the potty are allowed to go to pre-school, she was on board that day.

  3. Well, it sounds like she is flexing her toddler control!  At our house every time we are going somewhere, we have our girls sit on the potty and try.  Weather or not my girls produce, they don't leave until they try. Yes, we are sometimes late to arrive at our destinations, but if they don't try they would get a diaper or pull ups.

    In the beginning of this new rule, we would start at least an hour ahead of leave time to get them in the bathroom.  Now my girls are 3 1/2 and 6 1/2.  With our young one we still use this rule.  But, she is the one who can hold it for HOURS!!

    good luck!


  4. my daughter use to be the same way(and still is at the grandparents houseGGRRR) i just took her every so ofter if she told me no i would bring her anyway and sure enough she'd go.. u just gotta stick to it, she probably doesn't get the sensation yet it takes a while...  the only way to beak that habit is to not let her hold it for a long period of time then she will get on a schedule and then after she is COMPLETELY accident free u wont have to remind her and it will be like 2nd nature... good luck!

  5. Hang in there!  At least she's getting it.  You're right I'm sure it's all about the presence of another child in the house.  Consistent toileting will surely happen there first.  

    No child likes the feeling on their skin of toileting, and she WILL start doing it consistently at your house too.  In the meantime, keep up the encouragement and praise when she does it.  She's definitely ready.  Stick to your routine, even if it feels like it's falling on deaf ears.  Most of all keep your tone even if she disappoints you with a dirty diaper.  Remember, they opt for negative attention over no attention.

  6. Have you tried a sticker chart.  I know she is a little young but if she had something to look forward to such as putting up a shiny sticker or wearing it on her shirt she may try for you.  

    Maybe you could take her shopping and let her pick out her panties.  She may be more likely not to wet them if she really likes them.

    If she is in to jewelery you could try beads.  She could earn a bead for her necklace every so many times she goes.

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