
Potty trainging?

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i am trying to potty train my 2 1/2 year old daughter i heard if you put really underwear on her then a pull up it helps them feel them being wet. does this really help. i need help on getting her out of pull ups. but i am not rushing it i just want some pointers on how to help her get to get some big underwear. she has been doing this potty thing from when she was about 18 months old..




  1. Well, try rewarding her with something.  Make a simple little chart and every time she goes potty without using her pullups and telling you she needs to go without already pottying in her pullups, give her a star or sticker of sort.  Praise and rewards go a long way!

  2. i found that taking them to the store and letting them pick out their own panties works wonders just let her know that she can't wear them unless she uses the potty. it worked for me on all my kids.

  3. I put panties on my daughter and NEVER went back to diapers or pull ups!! It worked fantasticly she was potty trained at like 18 months...Ya had to clean up pee a few times but well worth it to have her train that quick... Let her pick her own panties that is what I did....and you can give her a sticker when she pees and 2 when she poops!!

    Good luck and try to be patient!

  4. skip the Pull ups and put old time rubber covers over cotton  panties (the rubber covers will contain most of the accident and she will KNOW she's wet!)

  5. My son is 22 months and has been full potty trained since he was 18 months old. he started pulling off his pull-ups and so I decided it was time to put him in his real underwear ( about 20 months) and he has been accident free ever since. I think it gives them a boost of confidence and and yes they will know if they went or not.

  6. My opinion only, but Pull Ups are just like diapers-they absorb the wetness, therefore there is no discomfort of being wet, etc. In my experience, it was always better to put "big girl" underwear on and skip the Pull Ups altogether. She'll have accidents as they all do when they're first learning to use the potty, but I've found doing this makes the process go much faster.

    Keep in mind, of course, that she's got to be both emotionally and physically ready to potty train or nothing is going to work.

    Good Luck!

  7. Potty training really isn't about training the kids to use the restroom, its about training us as parents to adapt to the schedules of the children. I'm in the process of potty training my 2 year old son. It's hard but its really just a matter of learing how often they go to the restroom . While at home I put him on underwear & nothing else. Then i take him to the potty about every 15-30 min. Of course he has accidents but he's starting to learn how to control it. Hope I helped.
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