
Potty training, please help!?

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I got a new puppy on tuesday, named Dixie. She goes to the bathroom outside when we take her, but she still pees and poops in the house. We take her out every hour or thirty minutes. She's 8 weeks old, and I know she's still a puppy, but can any body give me tips on potty training?




  1. I just bought a lil Chihuahua not long ago and I used pee pads.  You got to show her where you put them and then watch her constantly.  When shes about to go, pick her up quickly and put her on the pee pad.  After shes done make sure you say good girl! or something that shows she did well.  It took me and my gf about a week to train ours!

  2. I've had that same problem with a couple of puppies that you could let them outside for an hour and then theyd come in and do there duties inside.. I put rubbing acholol on the spot that they go in and they won't pee there again.. It seems to work but I'm not sure.. best of luck just the same to you

  3. Puppies have extremely little bowel/bladder control. It can take up to a full six months for your dog to be reliable inside the house. If you can't have your full attention on your dog, the best thing to do is to crate her. When the space is small enough (think enough room to turn around/lay down and that's it) a dog will do it's best not to soil b/c they don't want to lay in their own excretement. Praise her when she goes outside and scold her ONLY when you catch her in the act of going inside. Dogs have a short term memory of about 30 seconds, so scolding her for a pile or puddle you've found after the fact won't have any meaning to her and she may become frightened. Try a puppy pad, that is specially scented to attract the dog for bathroom business. Put it near the door and praise her for using it. Your puppy should get more reliable as time goes on but it's really unrealistic for you to expect her to be potty trained this early on.  

  4. try putting newspapers everywhere and yea sticking to a system is smart

  5. Well,when she uses the bathroom outside,since she is new to this,you have to say"Good Girl" or "Good Potty!"to let her know that shes done good.when she uses the bathroom inside the house,you have to say in an authorative voice"Bad potty!"to let her know that shes not supposed to do that.But the thing is you have to catch her while shes doing it because if you wait too late,then she wont remembe therefore she wont know why you're yelling.

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