
Potty training 21 month old girl?

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how old was your child when they were potty trained?




  1. It really doesn't depend on the age.  Just as long as you're sure your daughter is ready (such as, she has interest in when you go potty and when she tells you when she has gone/has to go).  Good luck, and you can do it!

  2. My son was 3 years old + 8 months (44 months old) when he was potty trained.

  3. i have 4 children all were toilet trained using a s***w on toilet seat.none used the made them feel more grown up and eager to learn.saying this none were potty trained before 2 years old just relax it will happen when child is ready.good luck and ejoy your baby.

  4. Your child seems a little young for potty training.  Please be patient with her.  Girls are often earlier to potty train than boys but they can only go on the potty and produce anything when they have full sphincter control.  My granddaughter is just over two years old and still won't go on her potty although she will tell you when she has done something.  With patience, it will happen soon.

  5. I don't think its too young to start. At 18 months I started pull ups and my daughter would go in the bathroom and go through the motions. By 22 months she was going ALMOST accident free. by her second birthday she was going without accidents (even at night). I think she was just ready. It varies by child but I don't think 21 months is too young to start, at least introducing. Let her do as much as shes willing to or can.  

  6. It's funny cause everything I read on Y!A seems to say that people are now waiting until their kids are closer to three.  When I had my oldest, everyone I knew started asking me when I was going to potty train him just after he turned one.  I felt like a failure because he wasn't trained before he turned 2.  My friends and relatives all kept implying that I was a bad mom.  He actually pretty much potty trained himself about a week after he turned 2.

    My second child, I tried and tried starting at 18 months.  Finally gave up for a while.  Started trying again at about 28 months.  Gave up.  Two weeks before her 3 birthday, she came walking out with panties on, carrying a wet diaper and said she was a big girl now and didn't want to wear diapers anymore.  That's all it took.  Like I said, I had given up and wasn't even pushing her to use the toilet.

    My youngest was being babysat as I worked. He had just turned 2 and I came to pick him up after work.  He came running to me with his arms up and wearing training pants.  I asked about it and was told that he did that on his own and then refused to let the sitter put a diaper on him.  I asked if he had actually been using the potty chair and she said no, he's been cliimbing up on the toilet seat and using it.

    When they decide they want to they will.  Just don't make a big deal out of it, but keep a potty chair available in case they want to use it.  And yes, a lot of kids are closer to three years old or even a little bit older.

  7. I have 3 children,my two oldest were potty trained by 2 yrs.old.My third child is 13 months and I have a potty chair for him to play with in his room,he does sit and play on it.I plan to introduce him to the Big Boys Potty about 18months(no pressure though).Then you take her shopping for her own panties that SHE picks out,they never want to mess those.Also you might have to ask her every 5minutes if she's got to GO.

  8. My daughter is 23 months old. She's not potty trained yet. I tried a couple of months ago to see if she was interested and she wasn't. Again I am going to show her again. She likes to sit on her little potty chair but would rather sit on the big potty. She is showing a little interest now but I still am not rushing her.  

  9. my son turn 2 in july we try with him to potty trained him he was not ready. i would not rush it if i was you. your little one has time.

  10. I have 2 girls. Both were potty trained by 2 and a half. If you think your daughter is ready now, take her with you when your buying a potty and let her choose some big girls knickers. Leave the potty with some of her favourite toys out. Let her run around with no nappy on and every 10 mins ask her does she want a wee. Be prepered for ages sat on a potty and nothing in it. However loads of praise due. Also be prepared for lots of wee accidents. She may want to use the toilet instead of the potty. take the potty with you to the toilet and your little girl. Show her what you are doing when you are on the toilet and she will eventually copy you. Good luck.

  11. we started at 28 months. we still arent done, and he is 33 months. but hes doin pretty well!

  12. Both of my kids were about 3 when they finally consistently used the toilet.

    They first stopped pooing in their pants, and would only do it on the toilet, but it took longer for them to learn to stop peeing. They just started holding it on their own, and when I realized their diapers were dry after several hours, I would put them on the toilet and let them sit their until they peed.

    I would definitely wait a little bit.  

  13. Both my children decided themselves, my son was 2 1/2 and my daughter was just over 2, they just told me they wanted to use the big boys/girls toilet and away they went, they were fantastic and were only in training nappies for a few weeks and thank God no accidents at night time, not everyone is this lucky tho my friends daughter was 3 1/2 and had no interest

  14. if she ready... go for it

    if not, wait till 2 or 2 1/2

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