
Potty training 22 month old daugther!! need help!!?

by Guest62381  |  earlier

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My daugther is fixing to be 23 months old. She has started telling me when she pees and poops in her diaper so i know she is ready to potty train. I bought her a potty seat and she has been getting use to it. she still had diapers left and i didnt want to waste them so i let her get use to the potty seat and sit on it while she was still in diapers. yesterday was her last day in diapers and i let her sit on the potty without the diaper a few times. she never peed. today we started with pull ups. she peed in the potty first thing this morning and now things are a nightmare. she throws a fit anytime i bring her to sit on the potty. she screams throws herself around stomps her feet and as soon as she gets off the potty she pees. i have stickers for her to get as a reward and that doesnt work. i dont know what i did wrong. things were great this morning. should i just let her throw a fit and still sit on the potty for 5-10 mins or what. please help




  1. Identifying when she pees and poops are definately signs of potty training readiness. They aren't the only ones, though.. just the first ones. Many kids don't train until they are 3. Not because your child can't do it, but because she isn't emotionally ready.. nothing you did wrong. However, if you push the issue, it will quickly become a control issue for your toddler. This will make it more difficult to train her, and will likely increase the chances of her having accidents when she is upset. I agree with the poster who suggested waiting awhile and revisiting the potty after you've both had a break. I think it's a good idea to keep using the pullups while you wait. They will still allow her to feel when she's wet (diapers are designed to pull the wetness away from the skin). Having a fit is her way of telling you something's bothering her. Some kids just need to ease into change.

  2. Just put her back in diapers and put the potty with her toys. Don't make her sit on it but during play just put dolly on it and say,' dolly is having a pee now'. She is still really young to be trained and it really does take time and patience. Is she into stickers? I always found raisins were good as rewards at that age, just even for sitting on the potty, but still give it up for a week and then try again.

  3. I had the same problem...what i did was bribe her to sit on the as a mother know what makes them happy...for instance my daughter like i gave her a freeze and made her sit on the potty until she was done her the time her freeze was done she went pee on the potty!! and if she pees give her stickers and another freeze(sugar free)

    worked for me...but remember ever child is different!! good luck!!

  4. 22 months old is much to young to potty train a kid. Wait until she is three.

  5. Find a couple of diapers and put them on some small baby dolls. Tell her diapers are for babies. Get her some panties that look like yours (real panties) and show her that panties are for big girls. Then when you are home put her in real panties. She may have a few accidents but she will actually feel the wetness from the urine and not like it.

    Take her into the bathroom when you go and sit with her while you pee. Put some water in the bottom of her potty so it sounds the same when she goes as when you go.

    These are some old school tricks that we used when my kids were little.

  6. i would put the potty away for a week. then re-introduce it slowly.  i can't see where you went wrong...but how can you understand what's going in a 23month old's brain?!!

  7. I would take a week break and try again.You are just having a power struggle and making her sit on there will only make it worse. Act like it's no big deal and forget it.You must win the battle. If she can't get to you that's good.Try later.Let her forget it for a bit.

  8. take her in the restroom and u have to wait like for 30 minutes!

    and tell her yur gonna buy her a dipper if she pees in the toilet!=D

  9. Trust me I just went through this with my son. If they are throwing fits...wait a week and try again. If it is the same wait another week. if you try and force her it will backfire!!

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