
Potty training a 3 year old.?

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my daughter just turned 3 saturday. she is not "getting it" as fast as sis did. if i put her panties she manages to maybe potty twice but also has many accidents... and she knows where the peepee and caca is supposed to go and will tell me even though she has peed on the floor. and if i put her a pullup she doesnt try at all. also lately she has been asking to wear a pullup and does not want to wear big girl panties. what should i do? any advice??




  1. You will not believe this, but as the songwriter puts it, "You're gonna miss this". Anywho, at this stage it's about placing the child on the potty a zillion times a day. They will get tired of you and start telling you when they have to go.

    Some children do take longer to adjust and that is okay. Be patient, and buy the cheaper pull-ups. This way your child is feeling uncomfortable in their mess, and that is what you want. THese top of the line brands allow you to have ten accidents before you feel damp. The cheap ones will start to tear after the second accident, and the child is feeling miserable. They will come out of them and hit the potty quickly.

    P.S. Thank God you don't have a boy to potty train, they soak the whole bathroom with their little super soakers..

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