
Potty training almost 3 y/o help?

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One of my boys was failure to thrive, and has always developed 10 mo. behind so unfortunately he's still behind. But I MUST have him trained by mid-August, I am returning to school to finish up, and they require potty trained at 3. So I've taken on the responsibility this summer to train him, but I must be going about it wrong because as soon as the diaper is back on he goes. I did get him to sit on the toilet almost all day yesterday (with 10 min intervals to play) and he did is buisness in there 2 times, but the rest was in the 10 min. we were playing. Right before bed, he went in by his own accord and did it, then went to bed, this morning he was dry, got up went in there, but nothing happened. Put the diaper on the eat breakfast, and then it happened. Is this what they do, or am I beating my head against a brick wall? I know that with the delay it really is like he's only understanding what kids who are right at 2 understand.

Any tips?




  1. If it is an absolute must that he be potty trained. You should maybe stop using diapers altogether. Maybe try and offer him a reward when he does use the potty. Maybe use a poster and let him place a smiley face sticker or one of his favorite cartoon character on it. Always use positive encouragement.  If he has an accident, dont be harsh, just encourage the right behavior next time. Encourage him to help out more around the house with small items (such as picking up toys, etc.)always remind him that he is helpful and how big of a boy he is. Children are like us, if there is positive encouragement and appreciation we are more likely to continue doing the same things.

  2. potty training is really good, but please dont make him sit on a toilet so long!

    have regular times for visiting the toilet.  when he wakes up, some minutes after meals, at bed time and every two hours or so in between.  show your displeasure whenever he messes himself up, and your pleasure whenever he uses the toilet, particularly by himself

    and beyond all this, you need PERSISTENCE.  he can't get potty trained in one day, one week or one month, you need to keep up a regular routine with him for a prolonged period of time before he finally fully gets the hang of it.

    however don't lose courage yet.  he will be ok by august if you keep up the good work between now and then


  3. KEEP UNDERWEAR ON HIM AT ALL TIMES!!!!! if he wets his pants let him sit in it for a couple of mins so he notices that he has done something that he shouldnt have done.....putting a diaper back on himis one of the worse things u can potty trainy my 2 year old son right now.....and this is what i do...and he has been moving forward.......just remember it doesnt happen hang in there it sounds like he might be getting the hang of it.....just please dont be putting diapers on him unless it is bed time or nap time....

  4. I never actually tried to potty train until around 3; they are definitely ready physically and mentally by then.  However, your case is different, since your child is a bit behind.  I do not believe in rushing these things; it's unfortunate that there is the timetable.  It's not his fault that this may take a little longer.  However, so be it.  You need stratagies now.  If he is truly capable of peeing in the toilet, and if he stays dry all night, then it sounds like his body is physically ready.  Therefore, the diapers must go.  If kids have a choice, they'll often hold it in for the diaper!!  Yes, there will be accidents, but we just brushed them off, no big deal.  Again, it's not his fault!  I knew someone who actually punished their child for accidents, by taking away toys.  Oh, no!!  This is suppose to be a positive, happy achievement.  Rather, try rewarding him.  A sticker chart was always fun for my kids.  We had tons of stickers for my youngest to choose from and he just loved that.   Hope this helps.

  5. I am definately not the potty training expert, but i wanted to commiserate with you because my son is about four months behind because of failure to thrive. It sounds like he is making progress. Maybe you could try covering his bottom half with something while he is on the potty. Maybe his little tushy just gets cold and makes it hard to go. They are used to being surrounded by warm diaper all the time. I don't know but it is just a suggestion.

  6. if he is alost three he should already know how to p**p and pee in the potty...

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