
Potty training emergency!!!: can we get this down before school starts?

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im been responsible for getting my 3 1/2 yr old brother potty trained all summer long. our zoned preschool wont take him unless hes potty trained. weve been working on it for a long time, just this summer we are cracking down on it. the problem is that he has no interest in potty training, when im like "hey lets get on the potty", he starts freaking out, hitting, and starts this speech "no, i need to be changed". he also says that the potty makes him go "ow". i can get him on the potty but i have to threaten spankings or actually spank him and no preschool is going to do that. my fathers heart is set on my brother being out at school this school year and has been training for this new day shift, but i dont know what else to do. please help




  1. I read about a book that helps you potty train in one day. Google it and I bet you'll find it. Also, you can't potty train until the child is ready. My friend says put Cheerios in the toilet and give him a sticker when he hits the Cheerios with his urine. I don't know how you get a boy to p**p. Maybe try using cloth diapers if you don't already. I heard that helps.

  2. First I just have to say that this should be your parent's responsibility, not yours.  With that being said, the easiest way to potty train is to let him go bare-butt rather than wearing underwear or pull-ups.  He'll be less likely to go on himself if he's naked, so just be sure to have him sit on the potty every hour or so.  After a couple of weeks, he should be ready to start wearing underwear.  Good luck!

  3. Read this article lots of good advice! And good luck!!

  4. first thing you can't spank him if he did use the potty that's no reward for him. you have to make it fun fine something that he really likes that you can reward him with. play a game with him or give him a treat or make a chart board with stars and at the end of the week treat him to mcdonald's.

    good luck

  5. k, ..if you're spanking him over potty issues, he's going to associate pottys and spanking...potty and can't beat it into him!!hehe!!.... I am using a chart w/ my daughter...just get a big piece of paper and write his name on top.. like this:


    Used Potty...


    Cleaned a Mess...


    Brushed his teeth...

    like that..and everytime he pees on the potty you have to act SUPER jump clap say YEAAAAA , pick him us dance...then he gets to put one sticker on his chart....!!!..he'll be so proud of himself, and happy....then he'll be thinking of good things when it comes to potty time....b/c he's old enough for sure....

    i know it sounds cheesy but i bet it will work!!~.. good luck!~...

  6. What you might have to do is actually force him to go potty...when he wakes up and before he goes to bed...also if he kicks and screams then you might have to give him something to scream for (I'm not trying to be harsh) but still he has to know who is in charge....if he goes on himself and he refused to go potty then spank him...get it through his head that if he doesn't go on the potty and he goes on himself then his sister will spank him.

  7. the only reason it "makes him go ow" is that he's being punished for not wanting to be a "big boy." Take that approach. I don't remember my own potty training, but I remember my brother's: When he went to the "big boy potty" he got a treat. try that.

  8. Where are his parents?  It isn't your responsibility to potty train this child.  If he is old enough to state that he needs to be changed, he is old enough to go to the potty.

  9. ummmm i know wat to say but hey i just im u so go right now and check it okeyyyyy

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