
Potty training help!

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My daughter will be 3 in october and we have been trying to potty train her for the past 6 months but she isn't having it.She screams or cries when we put her on it .Same at nursery.We started because she used to tell us that she had a dirty nappy since she doesn't tell us anymore and I am getting worried.

any tips would be appreciated, thanks.




  1. i have just got my son out of nappys it was very hard but you just have to keep going if thay keep weeing then just keep changing them. he wet for 2 hes ok.  

  2. Don't worry. Mine's the same. All you can do is praise when they do well and don't get angry when she goes on the floor. She may be embarassed that you're putting her on the potty. Maybe she doesnt like people watching.

    My child wont "go" when people are watching.

    Positive, gentle encouragement is the only way. Don't worry too much that shes 3. All children develop differently.

  3. reward charts. use stickers of her fave cartoon character. make a chart up with cartoons on it from internet. my little girl is 26 months an she uses the potty and big toilet. we did it using a reward chart with stickers from in the night garden. she had to get 3 in a row then she got a minnie choc bar. now she does pretty much all her wees on the toilet an d sum number 2's. And she isnt even that bothered about the choc bars now. As usin the potty is just part of her routine now.

  4. make it fun don't sit her there then it seems like a punishment.. maybe let her see you go and so she knows it isn't so scary.. also maybe put a child size seat that big hole is scary to a kid.  when she does go make a big deal of it .. do the pee pee dance or something fun.. use stickers  to reward.  Try taking her to buy big girl pants and tell her she can only wear them if she tries to keep them dry and if she wets them she will learn that doesn't feel nice and will want to use the potty.

    and the biggest it patience!!!

  5. If you can bear the mess then I suggest that you have a day when you just leave her to run around with just some pants on. First of all go shopping with her and let her choose some knickers with a pattern or character, let her choose though. Then buy some small sweets or raisins. When you get home explain that tomorrow you are not going to use nappies but big girl knickers and also that she will get a raisin everytime she sits nicely on the potty. Use a doll or teddy to explain this and give teddy a raisin because he is sitting on the potty like a good teddy, make it fun.

    The next day just dress her in knickers and a tshirt and let her play, don't force her to sit on the potty. If she wee's then just say, oh look that should be in the potty, be really calm about it and don't get mad. If she sits on the potty then really go overboard on the praise, clapping and cuddles. I found sometimes the phone works well, you can pretend or really ring someone like Granny and say, Rachel has done really well today on the potty. Good Luck

  6. good luck

  7. put up a pice of construction paper in the bathroom, color it nicely and go out and buy a big big bag of stickers, across the top of the construction paper write your daughters name (lets say its jen) Jen likes to use the potty !!!

    for everytime she uses the potty she gets to pick a sticker and put it up.

    this has been a very successful method

  8. She isn't fully ready yet, take a break for a month and then start back up again and see how she does.  Right now she views it as a scary task and she needs to stop being so scared.  You can still put her on the potty and try but it shouldn't be made to be a huge deal right now, just give her some calm down time.  Make sure when you do put her on there that you are singing and trying to make it fun while she sits there and reward her for even trying.  Lots of kids even at 12 months will complain if their diapers are dirty or wet and want them changed that doesn't mean they are ready to train yet.  
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