
Potty training my son?

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my son turn 2 years old July 18,i try to potty train my son but he through a fit so, i don't think he is ready. he all so don't talk a lot yet. my mother-in-law and father-in-law lives down the street and they are putting a lot of pressure on me to train him. my mother-in-law can be very bossing. i would like to potty train my son when i think he is ready. i am with my son day and night so, i know more about my son then they do. what should i do about it. i feel bad because i don't think hes ready yet. i don't want them to think i am a bad are lazy mom. i hope everyone don't think this is a dumb question.




  1. i went to school for careeres with young children and they say he will go when he is ready tell you mother law to go away he isnt ready yet

  2. Absolutely not a dumb question! I too had alot of unwanted advice about my middle son's potty training (he didn't potty train until he was three 1/2).  Some children take longer and forcing him before he is ready can damage his trust and sense of security with you, not to mention potential problems down the road including control issues and other defecating and urinating problems.  You are his mom and you know him best so trust in yourself. Kindly thank your mother-in-law for her concern but remind her that much about child-rearing has changed since she raised her children and you will ultimately do what you feel is best for your son.

  3. You should stand your ground.  The worst thing you could do is pressure him.  I did not want to pressure my kids so I researched and found a very safe and very sturdy stool with sides for the toilet so they could hold on the entire time.

    My kids climbed up and could tell that they were totally supported and secure so they potty trained as soon as they were ready.  This stool made all the difference and was well worth it.  Hope this helps.

  4. Man I feel for you.  the main thing is this he will let you know when he is ready. I have a daughter that has a developmental disorder and she wasnt fully trained till 6 years old, that wasnt my choice it was her's. the little guy may not be ready yet . what you should do is evaluate his developemental level and see if he might need some help with those things since you are with him at all times of the day and night without putting him in a stressfuk situation sit him on the potty chair on a scedule and then he will get familuar with the toilet. and sooner or later you will catch him using it and when he does then praise him like he won the pulitzer and keep him on the schedule at some point then put regular under wear over the diapers and then after a while start just having the underwear with no diaper if he is typical he will not enjoy being wet. and if it messes up his favorite underwear then he will try to make it to the potty before he wets or poops in his only favorite pair of underwear (keep several out of site and then you won't wear the one out washing it. Trust me this isnt a dumb question. I am a stay at home father and it works you have to let him know that it is really up to him but to wear the big boy underwear he has to use the potty and do everything in the steps that you do like wiping when he poops and washing hands when he goes potty. You can also use a sticker reward system as well. with the potty scedule it will cause you to be very creative in inticing him to do what you need him to do play a game if you will.

  5. Wait until he shows signs he is ready to start potting training .  2 is way to young to start any ways so just wait.

  6. when he is ready (as his mummy you will know when this is) you can have it done in a long weekend so bide your time and ignore everyone else! to get him prepared though have the potty around the house and get some books on potty training and introduce them to him when he is in need of some quiet cuddle time. Above all dont worry he will get there in his own time he walked when he was ready i take it? so he will potty train when he is ready!

  7. Put a potty chair in the bathroom and make it like a game. "Mommy is so big using potty. Are you big enough to use the potty, too?" Get his dad to do the same thing. Let him pick out his big boy undies and tell him that he can wear them when he can go a whole day with no accidents. Put him in pull ups rather than diapers during the day until he earns his big boy undies and at night until he wakes up for a whole week with a clean pull up. A sticker chart is another idea. Every time he goes potty, he gets to put a sticker on the chart. If he doesn't understand when you try to explain about the big boy undies or using the potty and earning a star then he probably isn't ready for potty training.  
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