My daughter is 2 years, 8 months. She is very intelligent, talks really good, sings songs, knows how to count and sing ABC's to an extent. I have been trying to potty train her for about 8 months now. At first it was me being so busy and forgetting to take her potty, so I have been setting a timer. It was going great until now, I thought she was doing good, so I thought I better take that step, and take away the pull-ups except when she is sleeping. All of a sudden it is rebellion city, she is peeing in her pants repeatedly, and pooping (which I can't get the pooping in the potty done anyways, that used to be all I could get her to do, and now she won't let me know and doesn't want to p**p in the potty). I set the timer for less and less time, and I am trying to study for school, and she's getting worse and worse. She is begging for her diapers back, but I won't give in. I give her a peice of pez if she goes potty, without pottying in her pants first.