
Potty training!!!!!?

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my daughter who is exceptionally smart and is over three is not potty trained. i have tried everthing!!!!! the calender, the treats going on scheduled times but nothing works. i really just think it's being stubborn or maybe just lazy.




  1. have you tried taking her to the bathroom when you go let her know that you do it and that she should be like you when you go..or find a friend or cousin that she like looks up to and have them go potty with her..Thats somewhat how I potty trained my daughter..also everytime she potty's on herself take away a favorite toy..and when she does go in the potty give one back let her know you mean business and that if she doesnt use the potty then she will have consequences

  2. I have a 3 yr old boy in diapers and a 4 yr old neice still in pull ups..I say children will potty train when good and ready...just leave the potty in view and easy access for her and even if you can just get her to sit on it then say what a big girl she looks like may give the extra nufge she needs..Good Luck

  3. If you've had her evaluated to rule out physical causes, then don't sweat it! My 4.5 year old is still in diapers. Granted, she does have a mental disability, but I know how tired you must be of changing diapers.

  4. Don't push her. My son didn't potty train till he was 4. It's expensive and a pain. But they'll let you know when they're ready. You don't want to make it  a traumatic experience. Then she'll never use the potty.

    If your child is in daycare, don't let them force her to use it either. While she's there though, it will help because she'll see the other kids using it.

    While she's in under ware I would make her clean up the #2. I did that with my son, I would tell him to get into the bathtub and take his under ware and swirl it in the toilet to get all the #2 off. Then rinse them out really good in the bathtub, along with wipe himself. And as he's doing that I would ask him if he likes to clean his under ware, he'd respond no...then I'd tell him neither do I. I'd say it's your mess. Sounds silly but it seemed to work.  

    Just remember, don't push. It's a pain and it's expensive. But be patient, you can continue to ask her if she's got to go. But don't force her! After all, do you remember anybody in grade school in diapers?

  5. My daughter wanted to be completely in control when it came to potty training.  I researched and found a very sturdy stool with sides for the toilet so she could hold on the whole time without touching the toilet and do it herself.

    This gave her the independence and privacy she was wanting and she was potty trained right away.  This stool allowed her to relax and made all the difference for her.  Well worth it.  Hope this helps.

  6. Keep the potty available and put her in pull ups. Ask her during the day if she wants to go on the potty. If she does, give her a sticker, so many stickers gets a treat. If she doesn't just say ok and let it go. You can try adding foodcoloring and show her if she goes the water changes colors.

    At around age 3 my son finally went pee, but he would not p**p in the toilet. He wore underwear and was dry, but when he had to go poo he came to me for a pull up. I figured no kid graduates not being potty trained so I went with it. Telling him he had to learn to go or he could not go to Pre-K. One day I was busy with something when he came and told him to wait a minute. Then I forgot about it and about 15 minutes later he came back and said "I went in the big boys toilet". He was fine after that.

    Kids are ready at their own time, just like some walk with 9month and some don't start until they're 15 month. Stay patient.

  7. take away the diapers/pullups except for sleeptime.  When she pees or poops herself - it's her mess - make her clean it up (with your supervision and guidance of course)  Soon, she will learn that it's easier to get up and go to the potty than to go in her pants and have to clean it up.

    I don't view this so much as a punishment as simply there being consequences to actions - other suggestions which imply you should punish your child can leave you in a power struggle or cause a child to associate the bathroom with fear.

    Good luck!
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