
Potty training???

by  |  earlier

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i'm trying to potty train my little girl, she is 2 years & 2 months old, she is fine doing a pee on the potty/toilet and comes and tells me when she needs to go, she does this when she needs a pooh, but will not do it on the potty/toilet she will cry and ask for a nappy, i try and coax her to use her potty but nothing seems to work, any hints/tips/ideas




  1. Try having her sit on the potty while she is wearing the diaper to p**p.  After doing it that way for a few days, give her a diaper with a hole cut in it, so the p**p will drop into the potty through the diaper.  Then after a few days, have her try entirely without the diaper  :)

  2. Coaxing a child to use the potty or toilet is not the best psychology.  This is totally under her control, and your role is to encourage and assist, but not to make her think she is doing this to please you.  That's the most important aspect of toilet training.  She is still young.  Let her get used to using the potty to pee, and eventually she will want to try using it for her BM.  If you congratulate her, and make her feel big and important when she uses it, she will be more likely to want to do this.

  3. i had one that did the same thing.  i have 3 boys, and you just have to relax.  she knows what the potty is for, and she will not be going to school in a diaper, so just chill.  she will use it when she is ready, and when she is, offer to read her a book while she sits there, or offer her some m&m's while she waits.

  4. My son was a bit like this. He wouldn't ask for a nappy, but he would find a quiet corner and do it in his pants. I never told him off, I just explained to him that he should have done it in the potty and that mummy is sad that he did it in his pants. When I thought he needed a poo, I would take his pants off and he would go on the potty no probs. So I then used a sticker chart and gave him 2 stickers every time he did a poo in the potty. This went on for 3 weeks, and now he tells me when he needs to do a poo and goes on the potty. I still use the stickers as it is a good distraction while I am cleaning his bottom.
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