
Potty training quickly?

by  |  earlier

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Ok...this almost sounds like I am bragging but here it goes: My daughter turns 2 next month. I decided to start potty training her because she showed some interest recently. I have put her in training underwear (not pull-ups) and she virtually has been trained in a week (except at night and naps). Has anyone else had success like this with their child?




  1. I am skeptical.  I don't think you can call it trained until they have no accidents and go through the night and naps.  Oh, and just putting them on the potty when you think they need to go isn't trained either, they should stop what they are doing and ask.  That is potty trained.  That being said, good step in the right direction.

  2. I started potty training 3 weeks ago .. the first week he did great a few accidents of course. Week 2 we worked really hard on standing up and pulling down his pants .. he got that down and we had no accidents. We're in week three now and I have been putting him in underwear for night time and he has been getting up twice a night to go to the bathroom, no wet underwear yet .. (knock on wood) .. He is 28 months but we tryed when he was 19 months and he did good for a week and he hated sitting on the toilet he would scream and cry .. So I decided to go full force with it 3 weeks ago and he was totally ready for it. Its really amazing how fast some can catch on .. I feel like its a reward for me, especially since I don't have to change anymore dirty diapers .. atleast till next year!:]

  3. my son is 20 months old and just out of the blue ran to the bathroom and said potty since then he has been going more than half the time in the potty. and like yours his favorite thing is washing his hands we are on day 3 since he started to do this and we have been shocked at it. but i guess when there ready there ready

  4. congrats!

    && yeah; my son started going by himelf the week before he turned two;

    && it only took him about two weeks to get it down;

    && that's weird about the "washing hands" thing;my son was the exact same way;

    and telling him he could wash his hands after he used the potty;was really what made him go;lolz

    well congrats on potty training her so early!

  5. Good for you and good for her!

    I had success like that too.  My daughter was fully day trained (no diapers, pull ups or training panties.  Just normal panties) and was staying dry at night at 22 months.  By 28 months she was wearing panties to bed every night and has never peed the bed at night.

  6. Yes, my oldest son trained easily and quickly right at his 2nd birthday. My daughter trained quickly at 2 and a half but I tried first right at two and it was a nightmare, she wasn't ready. My youngest son was over 3 when he trained, he was clearly NOT ready until then and I thought I might die before I got him out of diapers LOL

  7. Wow Im impressed, no Ive never had that kind of success with any of my kids! All of mine took a few months!

  8. Our son was potty trained in about a week as well.  It took another two weeks to be dry at naptime and it has been two months now and he has been dry at night for a month with one accident...we just stopped using pull up's at night and we'll see how that goes.  We started one month after his 2nd b-day.  I think some kids are just "ready".  I definitely do not think it was anything I did.  I am also mentally preparing myself to pay for the easy time I have had with the oldest and expect a tough time with the youngest!!

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