
Potty training trouble, need urgent help!?

by  |  earlier

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I have a 3 year old son who i thought was ready to move from the potty to the actual toilet. Well I was holding him up adn he was doing fine. I let go of him for a brief second and he jsut slipped and now both of his legs are wedged in the toilet. i have tried to pull him out but he just isn't budging. He is in hysterics and I can't calm him. i don't want to call the fire brigade as I don't want to embarrass him. I have never been good at science but maybe if he lets wind a lot the water in the toilet will evaporate and he won't get too cold? I'm not sure.

Can some please help me out of this tricky situation! I'm starting to panick that this will damage him for life!




  1. call    911

  2. How big is your sons bum if he is 3 years old and stuck in your toilet? Or how small is your toilet. This is weird.

  3. my son is three and if he should fall in the toilet there is absolutely no chance of him getting stuck. either very big child, big toilet or big imagination.

  4. Have you got him out yet?

  5. Holy Smokes - You still got time to log onto this and ask the question.

    Call the emergency services - if blood flow to his leg / legs stops you may have far more serious concerns.


  6. If it is true...he is 3 - he will enjoy having the firefighter rescue him.  The only one embarassed will be you - but if he is really stuck - then call for help!

  7. Are you for real???

    If he is really stuck call the fire brigade straight away.  Why are you on the computer instead of being with him?

  8. call he fire department  u wil only be embarrassing urself.

  9. hmmmm sounds like ur son is in deep s***!  please dont let him keep breaking wind he might end up taking off and then get stuck in the ceiling! get lots of vaseline and rub him down and flush the toilet! the cold water should make him jump out at about 90mph! that should work...if not it will have to be the fire brigade

    oh...seeing as u have had time to ask this question on here AND wait for answers..make sure u get ur camera and take lots of pictures so u can show his girlfriend when he 18, and all the concered people of yahoo answers!

  10. Well you can't be that thoughtfull if you have found enough time to ask this question.

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