
Power Assist Bikes?

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I am 60 years old, just finished chemo and do not have alot of energy left. I was thinking of getting a power assist bike so I could get some exercise because the bike I have takes more energy then I have. I need a simple bike that will allow me to pedal, but will also assist. I have read alittle bit and probably the electric would be better then gas, for the speed and noise. But any assistance will be appreiated. Thank you.




  1. There are two ways to go: A purpose built electric/pedal bike or trike or an add-on kit to a regular bike.

    Electric is much more useful than gas, since electric assist bikes can still be used on trails (gas, even mopeds are almost always prohibited). Plus they are quieter, lighter, less smelly and, most importantly, more bike-like.

    Consider a trike too, especially a recumbent. They are much more comfortable and easy on the butt. More stable (they can't fall over), you can carry a lot more (basket in the back) so they are more useful for errands and they can stop on a dime. The big penalty has always been the extra weight, but if you are planning from the start to use a motor assist, then weight isn't that big a concern is it?

    Good luck. Biking is the best exercise in the world!

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